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Y/n's Point of View

I was waiting for Monika to come back from her mission she had. Julie was eating, and Gustave was sleeping, so I couldn't bother them. I can hear the blades of the chopper whirring down as Marius landed it. Out came Jack with his arm around Monika, who was clutching her stomach. Jack was also banged up quite a bit.

I run up to them and switch places with Jack. "What happened?" I frantically ask.

"All hell broke loose. We were all gunned down pretty bad, Monika and Alexsandr are the worst." Jack went off to grab Alex.

"Y/n," Monika groaned, "it hurts."

"It's okay, we're going to Doc right now." I pick her up bridal style and rush to the infirmary. I pound on the door and tap my foot. "C'mon, Doc." I impatiently say.

"Y/n! What seems to be," he looked at Monika, "come quick." I carefully set her on the bed and look around. "Now Monika, this will hurt." He put a sedative in her, making Monika sleep instantly. "Is there more?"

"Jack said Alex and Monika were the worst, I'll get Julie and Lera, does Olivier have a medical background?"

"Chemicals, but I taught him enough when we stopped arguing." Gustave grabbed Alex from Jack. "Tell Julie to take Jack, Lera's Eliza, and Olivier to cover Ela."

I look to see Ela holding on for dear life trying to bring Eliza in. I take Eliza into another room and slowly set her down. Ela stumbled into the room and lay on another bed. "I'll be back, guys!" I run to Monika's dorm and kick the door down. "Sis, suit up! You need ta help Jack!"

Julie stuck her steak knife in the table and ran to her room. "Where to?"

"Room 4." I run into Olivier talking to Jordan. "Olivier, help Ela. Hell broke out." Olivier ran with Jordan by his side. Lera was sitting by a tree when she noticed me. "We need help! Eliza's your patient!"

Gustave was wiping massive amounts of sweat when I ran to the medical center. "I can't go back and forth much longer."

"I'll help Monika. If something happens, I'll call you." Gustave gave me a smile and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You're a good man, Y/n." He said in French.

"I know."

When I ran in, Monika was stirring in her sleep, so I placed my hand on hers and hold it.

"It's okay, my German chocolate cake. I'm here."

Monika stopped moving and smiled. I carefully took her helmet and mask off to give her a quick peck. No wires were attached, so I started freaking out. I check her pulse and feel nothing.

"Doc! Come quick!"

"What's wrong?"

"I-I can't feel a pulse." I start to tear up. "I-I can't feel the pulse, Doc! I can't, I can't, I can't feel her fucking pulse!"

"Y/n, calm down. I will spend a little more time in here since Alex is asleep. Let me attach some wires." Gustave plugged and stuck stuff on and turned the machine on. "Merde! She has a pulse, but it's slowing!"

"No," I grab my head and bump into some chairs, "no, this can't be happening. Tell me it's a dream Doc! Please!"

"Y/n, this is real. Now if you don't mind, I will do my best to help her. Can you please watch Alex for me?" He sorted through some stuff and grabbed a clipboard.

I let out a deep sigh and walk to the room Alex was in. He was doing fine, so that's good. I cross my legs and rapidly tap the air while watching his EKG. All I can see is Monika and her blood stained jacket, along with her short pulse. Doc walked in a few minutes after and told me to come.

Monika's EKG was flatlined. She died. I walk to her and grab her hand. Tears poured from my eyes, making it hard to see her corpse just laying there. Gustave brought Julie in, in which she hugged me.

"It's alright, Y/n." She says, trying to comfort me.

"Don't tell me it's alright, Julie. You know this isn't right. My fucking girlfriend just died! How can you tell me it's alright when she's laying on the bed, waiting to be picked up and put into a casket!? You can't answer that, huh?" Julie took off. "Why is my life like-"



"Beep, beep, b

"No, I'm just dreaming. Monika's dead." I start praying at her side. Something stroked my head, a hand to be exact. I look up to see Monika weakly smiling at me. "No. No. You were, you were,"

"Dead? I'm living on a prayer, baby."

I hug her not too tightly like how I would prefer, but it'll do. "Y/n, it's- Quelle!? Monika!? You completely flatlined!"

"You can thank me." Lera appears in the doorway. "I released nanobots smaller than an atom into the air, making sure they went through the air vents. They made the body recover fully. If you were truly dead, you wouldn't have been talking to me right now. Nanomachines, son."

"So she had a pulse, but too small to detect on a EKG?" Doc asks curiously. Lera nodded as he wrote something down. "Interesting. That's why I couldn't hear her flatline."

"Thank you, Lera. But, I need to talk to Julie." I excuse myself and find her talking to Olivier and Jordan.

"What do you want?" She spat. "You wanna kill me now?"

"No, but I have 2 things. One, Monika is alive, and two, I'm sorry." She looked away from me. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was going through a rough time, my reality has shifted from bad to good, but our relationship isn't the same. It's the opposite. I love you, you don't need to go through this. Please, forgive me. I just want to make things right."

Olivier wiped a tear. "That got me in the feels." Jordan patted his back.

I thank him and look at Julie. She looked to me and back. "I guess I should be the one apologizing. I was always in your way, you warned me of the dangers of the world. But I never listened, even right now, I wouldn't have expected this by you. Life is a game, you choose a wrong path, you can't go back. I'm like that one Ratt song, I keep going round and round. I forgive you."

"Don't say that. You were never in my way, mentally that is. Quite frankly, you were too energetic for my kind. Off topic, anyways, can we forgive each other the right way?" I open my arms. "With arms wide open."

"Under the sunlight." She smiled and hugged me.

I look to see Monika standing while being supported by Gustave. 

I run to her and hug her. She giggled and looked into my eyes. "You know you're cuter after you wake up?" I kiss her head. "I promise to never leave you, unless you're in need of privacy, then I'm just sitting there."

"Y/n." I look to Doc. "You can play doctor with her."

"Oh no." Monika whined.

"What!?" Doc asked.

"He's gonna start sin-"

"He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood. He's the one that makes you feel al-right. Heh heh, still got it." I kiss Monika on the lips. "Love you."

"Mmm, I'm starting to just like you now." She chuckled lightly.

"I'll take it."

"Take care, I have to check on the others." Doc said as he left.

I bring Monika to my dorm and set her on my bed. "Tomorrow," I chuckle, "I'm treating you to an all-day trip to Y/n's lounge. So sleeping. Night, my German chocolate cake."

"Where are you sleeping?"

"Couch." She pat a spot next to her. "Fine, if I hurt you, tell me."

Love For You, Not Electronics (R6S IQ x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now