War Games

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3rd Person Point of View

This year marked the beginning of a new era for Rainbow. The organization was having a "War Games" event, which means the different CTUs all compete in different games and challenges like 100-yard dashes, obstacle courses, and simulations for a week. A nerf war was going to take place on Sunday, just for fun.

Y/n was up against a formidable foe that can kill him in one swipe, Recruit. Recruit was a filler for Lion, who got injured a day before by rolling his whole leg on a wet spot. Y/n was putting his gloves on when Monika walked up to him. "Good luck, Seamus is up next."

Y/n chuckled lightly. "I don't need luck. I got Mustang," he flexed his right arm "and Sally." He flexed his left arm.

"Y/n and Recruit are up next in the boxing tournament." Six said over the intercom.

"Bye German chocolate cake. Love you." Y/n kissed Monika's forehead, entering the ring.

The bell rang for the boxers. Recruit threw a straight lunge to Y/n, hitting him square in the jaw. Y/n spun and dodged his attacks. Recruit lost stamina, giving Y/n a clear shot to his stomach. Y/n kept at it, shortly taking the Recruit down for the count. The referee, which was Gustave, counted to ten, then raised Y/n's arm. Y/n looked to Monika cheering him on.

Y/n and Recruit leave the ring, embracing each other in a hug. "Hell of a fight you put out there," Y/n commented, catching his breath, "gotta keep your gut closed, too." Recruit congratulated the win, changing into different clothes.

Monika walked to him and kissed his cheek, wrapping her arms around his neck. She released from the kiss and looked at Y/n's busted lip. She tried wiping the scarlet liquid off of his lip, getting stopped by Y/n. "Y/n, let me clean you up." She demanded.

"Monika, I'm not a child. It's fine." Y/n reassured, a small smile creeping onto his face. "I should go, Seamus is in the ring."

Monika smiled wearily and hugged him again.

"You ready, Y/n?" Gustave asked, Craig walking out.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

The Scottish man put his glove up. Y/n hit his glove and went into a boxing stance. The matchup between the Scottish vs the American started, instantly getting cheers from the crowd of operators. Y/n was dodging most of Seamus' attacks, though he landed some. Seamus was getting battered by his opponent's punches, leaving him no choice but to start blocking his head.

After countless minutes, Y/n came out victorious, defeating Seamus with an uppercut. Gustave raised his hand and checked on Seamus. The boxing portion was over, meaning Y/n won. Seamus walked up to him and stuck his hand out. "Never seen anyone quite as agile and nimble as you, congrats."

Y/n shook Seamus' hand. He thanked him and put his clothes on. He walked out to see Monika holding something behind her back. "Whatcha got there, love?"

Monika blushed a tint of pink. "I think y-you should have th-this." She handed him a box of chocolates.

Y/n smiled and brought her into a long hug. "You shouldn't have."

"What else will I give my n/n after winning the boxing tourney?" Monika asked, making puppy eyes.

"I, eh-I can't handle it. You're too cute sometimes." Y/n pulled her into a kiss and hugged her. "What are you doing?"

Monika closed her eyes. She opened them and looked at Y/n. "Sorry, I was just thinking."

Y/n brushed it off and picked Monika up, giving her a piggy back ride to her dorm. "Can I hang out with my sister tomorrow?" He asked, getting a smile.

"Yeah, she is a handful."

Y/n chuckled. "Imagine living 18 years with that thing."

Monika laughed and looked down, kicking the ground. Y/n lifted her chin and saw a sad Monika. She instantly hooked her arms around his body. Y/n put his face in her hair, slowly stroking the short follicles.

"What's wrong, German chocolate-"

"Don't call me that." She said, burying her face into his shirt. "I regret everything."

"What is 'everything'?" Y/n asked tenderly, making circles on her back.

"Getting you involved," she started laughing wickedly, "in war."


Monika looked up and smiled devilishly. She whistled, which brought a few female operators out of nowhere. "This is war, baby." She said before a foam dart flies past her.

"Y/n, comrade! Run!" Timur said, shooting his nerf gun.

"What the hell is happening?" Y/n asks in a breathy tone.

"This is another War Game. We are in a nerf war. It's barely the first day, it was supposed to be Sunday." Timur explained, firing at some of the others. "Blyat, it seems that some of the boys are on their side!"

"That's what Monika meant." Y/n quietly says when Alexsandr threw him one.

"Thought you boys needed help." Grace said from behind, scaring Timur.

"LMG MOUNTED AND LOADED." Alexsandr yelled, sending foam darts down the corridor.

After a good ten minutes, Six walked out of his office and looked at the battlefield. "You could've told me to unlock the stadium."

"To be fair, Monika started it." Y/n said, snickers and chuckles following. Monika nodded. "See, she admitted to it."

"Do you want to continue here, or do you want to go to the stadium?" Six asked, looking at everyone.

The two teams talked amongst themselves. "The stadium." They all say.

"Well then, let the games begin!" Six yelled, opening the locked stadium doors.

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