Team Rainbow?

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IQ's Point of View

We were sent by Six to go and recover this former Navy Seal named "Python." While on the way to our extraction point, Ash came up to me. "Hey, IQ. What's going on?"

She seemed to notice my sad expression. "Y'know, I don't know. I haven't had a boyfriend since 8th grade. I need to find someone, I'm just so lonely." I say as Ash hugs me from the side.

"Hey Monika, you'll find a guy that'll love you. C'mon, we're here." Ash reassured.

We got off our chopper. Blackbeard walked up to the house and knocked on the door, receiving no answer. All of the entries were covered, I was repelling to the floor above when I heard the window being reinforced.

 "Contact. Upstairs, mid window." I say to Thermite.

 "Copy. A really big fucking hole, coming right up!" He yells, entering with Fuze.

The rest of the team went after them, but I stayed on the top just in case Python moves. After five minutes of silence, a yell was heard from the window I was by. "Shit, they found me. Damn White Stripes, White Mask, whatever the fuck they are!" The person said, breaking a wall near me.

I pointed my barrel to the hole that was opening, ready to shoot if needed. The man crawled out of it, instantly regretting it. "Hello there." Was all I said before Ash downed him, knocking the man unconscious.

 "Good work, team. Let's get him to Six and decide what to do." Fuze said, lifting Python on his shoulder.

*Time Skip, interrogation time*

I was sitting in the same room with Caveira, waiting for the sleeping man to wake up. We were talking about how the terrorists were bad at attacking people when I heard a gargle.

 "Cav, he's waking up." I say to Cav, standing up.

A steel blade was pressed against his throat the moment we heard a groan. 

 "Who the fuck are you guys?"

 Y/n's Point of View

 "Who the fuck are you guys?" I ask, my eyes still adjusting to the dimly lit room.

 "Tranquila, puta." A feminine voice says.

 "Sorry, no habla Espanol, muy malo." I say in the little Spanish I know.

 "Idiot." She says, waving her knife in front of me.

 "Hmm, can you speak German, madam?" I ask, feeling another presence in the room.

 "Ich kann." Another voice says. "Ich kann auch Englisch sprechen."

 I simply made a hum and proceeded to continue talking. "So, might I ask. Why am I tied up?"

"It's an interrogation, what else could this be?" The first voice says, annoyance in her tone.

"Yes, it's working. Years of training has paid off. I hope I can esca-" My thoughts were cut short by the second girl.

"Why are you on the move, Python?" The second voice asks.

"Oh, you know, running from terrorists, wanting to stay in the shadows, and trying to not die. The usual," I shrug casually, "So, ya mind telling me why I'm here?"

I can see the color of their hair. One blonde, one black. I look towards the black haired girl and noticed that she had face paint on. I turned my head to the blonde one and saw that she was wearing a German police uniform.

 "Our boss told us to capture you since were on the run after running into one of the Rainbow operators." The blonde one said, sitting down.

This brought back violent memories of when I saw the said "operator" a few days after my brother's death. I was walking down an alleyway when a man appeared in front of me. He tried to grab his gun, but I kicked his hand before making a run for it. I thought it was an ISIS member, I will never forget that night.

 "I had no idea who it was! I was just thinking about how my brother was killed. I became independent after that, that's why I'm on the move." I say, hatred filling my tears. "Nobody wants that to happen, let alone the fact that MY brother was my guardian. I've always hated the fucking terrorists after that godforsaken incident!"

 Tears stained my shades and face, burning with hate, blurring my vision. I started taking deep breaths and hesitantly spoke. "Tell me......What the fuck you want......Cus I'll tell you what I want. I want to disappear, to be invisible, to not exist. He was my friend, my guardian, MY DAMN BROTHER!" I yell, trying to kick out of the chair.

 "I know how it feels." The black haired one sighed. "I lost my father before I was born. My brother was considered missing, he was on a mission and disappeared. I was so worried that I went AWOL and found him." She looked at me and shook her head. "My family was dependent on my grandmother and ourselves, which later forced me into the poor side of Rio."

 "Just tell me what you want." I said, not wanting to speak anymore.

 "First off, my name is Monika Weiss, this is Taina Pereira. We are from Team Rainbow." Monika says. "You can also call us IQ and Caveira, or Cav."

 "Hmm, that first name sounds familiar. I had a friend in college named Monika. I wonder where she we-" My thinking session was closed when IQ was calling my name.

 "What's your name, Python?"

I looked up at them and smiled through my mask. "Call me L/n, Y/n L/n, or Python."

 "Anyways, we want you to join Team Rainbow." Caveira says, putting her knife away.

 "You're on." I said, stretching after the ropes were cut.

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