Chapter 25

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And as much we dreaded it, and tried to avoid it, we could not.

I met the girls yesterday, told them about my new -paid- job and regretted not being able to stick around. "I should have tried to get a job in here, as Chris said," I shook my head, Chloe was caressing my hand.

"Oh, Anna, don't be so hard on yourself," Kate said. "You came here to study, not to work, you belong to London!"

Sarah nodded. "Your plan just got a little messed up by meeting the man, but you came, you made it and now, you're going back... it is what it is, girl."

We said goodbye, we laughed, we cried, we took more photos, we hugged, we kissed, and we loved every single moment we could spend together the last eleven months.

Before meeting them, Chris took me to the agency that rented me the flat to turn it back. Before exiting it for good, y memorised every corner, as if I hadn't already done so by living almost a year in there. Chris took West with him once I stepped out his car to meet my friends.

I was going back Chris' house when Henry's face popped on my screen.

"Hey, you!" I answered excited. "Ready to take off?"

He laughed at the other side of the line. "Girl, I wish I was already crossing the ocean," he went silent. "Is that man of yours taking you to the airport?"

"Yes, he is, are we meeting there?" I asked.

"Sure, beautiful, I just wanted to be sure you had a ride tomorrow."

"Thank you Henry, I'll meet you there by 1 p.m., sounds okay?"

"Perfect, see you tomorrow then. Sleep tight, I know you will."

"Damn Henry!" I said but he had already hung up.

I arrived at Chris' house and the living room was filled with my stuff. I got three full suitcases, West's carrier, my hand luggage and my personal piece. I was going to wear double t-shirt, double trousers, double coat, double scarf, because it all didn't fit in my luggage. I sighed looked around, but then I saw Chris smiling from ear to ear, his elbows resting in the kitchen counter and I, well, I was in love.

"How is that smile so powerful that is even able to turns my bads into amazingly goods?" I said walking towards him.

He snickered, "aw, staph, I'm blushing."

I kissed him, caressed his cheek and kissed him again. "I miss you already, you silly boy."

He kissed me back. "Your life is gonna be so boring without me sillying around," he said between kisses.

Chris ordered burgers, chips and milkshakes from Shake Shack, he knows I love them. We sat down the couch to eat as he put a movie on Netflix. "So, it's officially our last dinner together," I said before biting my meal.

"Aaaaaahh, don't ruin my hamburger, Hamilton!!" He said, his mouth full of food.

I laughed covering my mouth, also full of burger, and after I gulped my bite, I said, "oh God, I will sure miss you goofing around."

We spent the rest of the late afternoon watching movies while cuddling, making fun of each other, eating, drinking milkshakes. Later, we ordered a pizza because we were so damn anxious about the next day, we could have eaten a whole restaurant together. I wasn't complaining, but food was a way to keep us busy and with our eyes dry.

"I can't, you'll need to take me rolling to your room," I said rejecting the last slice of pizza.

"Don't be boring, let's split up so we both eat it," Chris said getting up to get a knife. "You won't eat a thing the next 24 hours, you have to be prepared for that kind of sacrifice."

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