Chapter 11

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I woke up by the sound of my alarm. It was Friday, May 12, my birthday!

I was super excited for the day I had ahead. I hadn't mentioned Chris a single word about that day, so I wasn't expecting anything from him, not even a call, and if he had called, he wouldn't have known.

My mum was the first one to say Happy Birthday, with Olly and David. They sang me the song while my mum cried of happiness. "My baby is growing up," she exclaimed very happy with a pinch of sadness on his voice.

"Aw mum, it's okay," I comforted her. "I have to go to the Uni right now, but I'll call you tonight before I go out to tell you everything about my day. I love you!".

"Enjoy your birthday, we love you too!" The three of them exclaimed at unison.

I left my flat wearing the most comfy blue jeans I had ever wore, a red/blue plaid shirt, a black leather jacket and a pair of Converse. My brand new birthday outfit.

I was on the sub, my dad had sent me a message too saying Happy Birthday, the girls also texted me even if I was about to see them when I get to college and my best friend Lizzie messaged me from I don't know where wishing me the happiest of my birthdays, even if she couldn't be with me. Aww!

Sarah met me a couple of stations after. "Happy birthday to my new favourite adult!" She squeaked hugging me very tight.

"Thank you, my favourite girl!" I replied hugging her too.

"Hasn't Chris reported yet?" Sarah asked changing her mood.

I laughed at her new mood. "Not yet, but it's okay," I said very relaxed.

"No, it's not Anna," she clenched her fist.

"Calm down lady," I joked. In that moment my phone buzzed and I was very surprised once I saw Chris' face on the screen.

"Answer the damn call, Anna!" Sarah said whispering fiercely.

I swear I was shaking. "What if he call just to say hi, like he usually do when he wakes up early?" I said, uncertainty filling my voice.

"You will never know if you don't answer him!" Sarah was desperate waiting for me to slide the green bar.

I breathed. "Hello?" I was full of nerves.

"How does it feel to be finally 24?" Chris asked very excited.

I screamed in mute and grabbed Sarah's hand squeezing it almost breaking her fingers. She was jumping on her seat.

"Well, I don't know yet, I've just lived like that for six hours, of which five I've been asleep," I chuckled.

Chris laughed too. "Happy Birthday my dear Anna, I wish you all the best and beautiful things that could exist in this world because you deserve them and even more".

I almost cry of happiness. "Thank you Chris, I didn't know you knew it!" I exclaimed. Sarah had her head closer to mine to hear every single word he said.

"How couldn't I know it?" he sounded surprised. "Each of the million times I had to take you to the hospital they asked me to sign your papers while you were inside. They had your info there, including your date of birth," Chris explained. "It's hard to forget when I've seen it like ten times this year".

I laughed out loud, so did Sarah but less louder. "No exaggerations, please," I demanded. "I've been in the hospital just twice, okay?"

"Whatever you say Anna," Chris replied still laughing. "Anyway, have an excellent day, let me know how everything goes!"

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