Chapter 2

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That man was so kind with me, an angel, I was amazed by that. Sometimes when you get to meet a celebrity they just ignore you in order to lift their egos up.

Chris was different, even though he knew I was a mere mortal he tried to make me feel better by having a really nice conversation. He asked me why I was flying to New York and I told him every single detail about my studies abroad. He seemed impressed as soon as he read my admission letter.

"It's pretty scary, I mean, of course is nice to study there, but I'll have to join an MBA class because they don't have my courses in their degree programs," I explained.

"Whoa there! So that means you'll have your degree and also a certified MBA in The University of Amazing Columbia?" He wondered still amazed. I giggled because of the "amazing" adjective.

"Yes, that sounds pretty fair," I smiled and looked down my lap.

By now, I've realised that gesture means that I'm embarrassed or something. Weird.

We were having a very nice chat, the crew brought us our meal and even while eating we couldn't stop talking. "What were you doing in London, by the way?" I asked chewing some meat.

"Well, I was doing a photo shoot for a sports brand," he answered, "and you're the only one who knows about it," he continued, lowering his voice so no one could hear him. Aww how cute! Unconsciously a smile escaped my lips.

"Hey, you look way too cute when you smile, keep doing that!" Chris suddenly spoke, half smiling too. I just couldn't hide that smile, I was about to burst in laughter, I turned and saw him also managing to keep the laugh for him, but we couldn't, and we burst together. "Hilarious," we both said before finishing our meal.

After several hours flying, I realised that I hadn't asked him for a picture or an autograph. "Ehm, sorry, would you mind if I ask you for a picture?" I asked with my cheeks redder than a tomato.

"You are definitely the cutest little thing I've ever met in a plane," he joked, gesturing me to take out my phone.

The camera shut and he asked me to let him look at it. "There you have, Anna." What? He remember my name after 5 hours! Dead.

"And... Do you mind if I sign your Captain comic?" he looked like a child asking her mom to go out and play.

"That would be nice, Cap, thank you!" I said as he signed it.

We talked a bit more until we could feel our eyes closing, so we agreed, even though I don't like to sleep in the air, to take a quick nap. A quick nap that lasted the rest of the flight. I woke up when the crew was about to announce the landing, feeling a heavy weight in my upper arm.

Yes, Chris was sleeping peacefully, as well as my poor arm. For a moment I thought that maybe they'll have to cut it up because the blood couldn't flow there properly. I laughed at my tought, waking Chris up with a confused look on his face.

"You doze off on my arm," I told him.

"Oh, sorry. Do I have to take you to the hospital to find a replacement?" He joked with a serious look. He knows about my previous thoughts, he's a mind reader, I know that.

"So funny," I faked a laugh.

We were going to claim our baggage, when suddenly Chris asked "Do you have a place to go? I can give you a lift if you want" he said smiling.

"Well, actually yes, I rented a flat but I have to go first to the agency... To get the keys and some instructions, I guess..." I said, confused.

Chris noticed it. "Is something wrong?".

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