
455 31 7

October 7

Tonight is the night I'm planning to surprise Toni on stage with some flowers and balloons and announce to the world that our family has grown in size. Toni has already left but we still had two hours before we were supposed to be on stage assuming everything went right.

"Justice where are you?" I yelled up the steps because I was downstairs giving the twins their snacks now so they wouldn't ruin their clothes later.

"I'm in my room why?"

"Are you taking a nap?" I could here her bed squeak as she got up and soon she was at the top of the steps. "No I'm not."

"Okay good I need you to help me with the twins so I have enough time to get dressed."

"That's fine with me, you need me now?" I nodded my head and waved her downstairs. "Get Kori and change her into her clothes by time your done Kori I should be more than half way ready."


"Kori is in a mood today." I said scrunching my face up. "Oh damn that means we rey be fighting then huh?" She said picking up Kori.

"Yeah just be careful she likes to kick Justice, I'm gonna run and get Kamden ready." I picked Kam up and ran upstairs to their room. I had already laid out their clothes so all we had to do was change them and they'd both fall asleep.

After thirty minutes of getting him dressed I was finally able to let my hair down literally, and take my shower. While I was in the shower Justice came walking in the bathroom.

"Momma I need your opinion, long black dress or something else."

"Surprise me."

"Oh you will be surprised, but are you wearing black?"

"Yeah some black dress Toni brought me a while back that I haven't wore yet."

"Ard Imma go get in the shower Kamden and Kori are in my room sleep."

"How was Kori?"

"She was fine with me maybe it was you she had an attitude with who knows with that child."

"You got that right well go take your shower and be mindful of the time don't go back to sleep."

After about fifteen minutes I got out of the shower and put my robe on so I could put my lotion on and do my makeup. As soon as I was done my makeup the bedroom door opened.

"Ma!" I looked at who it was through the mirror and it was Kamden looking really handsome.

"Ma!" I looked at who it was through the mirror and it was Kamden looking really handsome

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