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"Baby I need you to calm down, okay

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"Baby I need you to calm down, okay." Toni was getting really frustrated because she was getting closer and closer to her due date and she was ready to have the baby.

"You try being pregnant!" I laughed at her. "You said you wanted to have our first baby it's not my fault your mad." Toni gave me a death glare. "Don't get cute."

"I've been cute." I pecked her lips three times and got up out of the bed. "No baby where are you going?" She grabbed for me and I allowed her to pull me back down. "I have to go get dressed."

"For what?"

"Your sisters and mother are coming today did you forget?" Toni face palmed herself and let me go. "I totally forgot, I'm just glad that they won't be staying here."

"They won't be but they'll be in this house until you drop this load." I said as I rubbed her stomach. "Don't call my baby a load."

"Oh so she's your baby now?" Toni sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "You know what I meant."

"I know your both my babies, but let me go get dressed because they already landed and they should be here any min- minute." The doorbell rang cutting me off. "See, now go answer the door I'll be down in a few."

"Why can't you get it." Toni groaned. "Because I'm naked and I don't want to scar your family for life." I laughed and ran into the closet. "Now hurry up before they start playing on the doorbell." When I finished getting dressed I went downstairs and followed the laughter.

Even though they were years apart Toni could still talk to them like they were her age, all except Tamar. "Hey Jan!" Tamar said because she was the first to notice me, she ran over to me and hugged me.

"Hey Tamar, hey everyone how was the flight out here."

"Long." They all said at once. "Well i'm glad you guys are here are you guys hungry? My chef could make you guys something."

"How can Janet just come and make us feel at home with her only being downstairs for a minute and Toni you didn't even ask us if we were hungry." Trina said causing Toni to squint her eyes at her.

"Scratch that y'all gots a chef?" I shook my head no and laughed. "No I have chef Toni has Joey who has been running around getting her fast food."

"Baby I hope you haven't been sitting around eating all of your pregnancy especially fast food."

"Oh trust me she hasn't but she tries, but whatever you guys want you can go and tell the chef, i'm pretty sure he's bored." Everyone laughed and got up to go to the kitchen.

"Baby!" Toni said catching my attention before I followed them into the kitchen. "Yes."

"Can you come with me upstairs please."

"Why? Did you have enough last night?"

"Yeah and apparently so did the baby." I frowned my face up and walked over to Toni. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm starting to have contractions and they hurt like really bad."

"Oh really they do? Toni your pregnant your going to have contractions in your case braxton hicks because your not due until two weeks from now."

"You do know that's like a estimate right she could come today." I rolled my eyes and walked with her upstairs. "You just gonna leave them downstairs unsupervised?"

"They'll be fine mommy is downstairs with them now can you come take a nap with me." I crawled into the bed after she got herself situated and wrapped my arms around her stomach and she fell right to sleep. I got out of the bed when I saw she was sleep and went back downstairs.

"I don't like it here."

"What are you talking about Traci?"

"I don't feel comfortable I'm ready to leave and go back to the hotel."

"I never understood why you never liked Janet what did she ever do to hurt you? All she's ever done is take care of Toni and love her." I could overhear the conversation Traci and Towanda were having and it made me really uncomfortable. I was going to walk in but I heard a scream come from upstairs and I ran to the bedroom.

"Toni what's wrong with you?!"

"I rolled over and you weren't there I got scared." Toni's sisters and her mother were just getting to the room as I went to go lay back down with her. "Toni I had to go get something out of the guest room I was coming right back."

"Well you could've waited until I woke up."

"Okay Toni lets just go back to sleep okay?" She nodded her head turned over to go back to sleep. "Sorry guys I know you wanted to hang out with Toni, but I think it's best you guys leave and come back tomorrow for dinner, and if she's up to it for a sleepover."

"That's okay Janet I understand just call me and let me know when we can come over." Ms.Evelyn said. "You guys know the way out right?" I asked them and laid down and closed my eyes once I heard the door close.

"Janet what's going on?"

"Nothing, nothing at all baby."

"Yes it is your mood is completely different then what it was when we laid down."

"I'm okay baby just go to sleep please."


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