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I woke up with the worst headache in the world and to Janet not laying next to me. I got up out of the bed very slow but it didn't help because the room started shaking. I walked into the bathroom and took some aspirin, I also washed my face and brushed my teeth.

I walked out of my room and went to check on Justice. "Justice, sweetie." I said knocking. There was no answer so I walked in, she was gone. I walked further into her room and I saw a picture on the floor.

"Mia?" Why did Justice have a picture of Mia? I went into the twins room and noticed that their clothes were all over the place, and all of my memories of last night came flooding in

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"Mia?" Why did Justice have a picture of Mia? I went into the twins room and noticed that their clothes were all over the place, and all of my memories of last night came flooding in. I ran back into my room and called Joey.

"Come on Joey answer please." He answered on the last ring with an attitude. "What Toni?"

"I'm calling about Justice because I know your not going to tell me where Janet is."

"Your damn right I'm not saying shit about Janet. What about Justice though?"

"Is she with Janet?"

"No she's not, I'm assuming she's not home." I sighed, "Yeah she's not we had an argument yesterday and I said something's and I guess she left."

"Toni you said a lot of shit yesterday... I don't know what has gotten into you but you need to fix it immediately because you will lose the only people to ever give a fuck about you." Before I could respond he hung up, I got up and took my shower.

When I got out I grabbed my things and got in my car driving until I ended up at Tamar's place, I needed someone to talk to. When I got to the door Tamar opened it, she was leaving out.

"Hey monster." She rolled her eyes and closed her door walking to her car. "If anyone of us should have an attitude or should be mad it's me, you came to your niece and nephews party when it was damn near over."

"And you let a bunch of shit fall out of your mouth last night but do you see me complaining?"

"So she's here? Tell her to come out I have to apologize." She opened her car door and put her purse inside. "She's not here anymore she left early this morning and you need to do more then apologize."


"You need to confess, all that shit you tried to hide back in the day is coming back to bite you in the ass. You cheated on Mia with Janet and Janet with Mia, and then you didn't break up with Mia until the day before your wedding. And to top it all off Mia's the one that kidnapped your daughter."

"What? What are your talking about?" Tamar walked over to me and looked into my eyes.

"Are you still drunk? Or are you slow as well? Mia is the same Mia that kidnapped Justice, Justice almost figured that shit out last night I wouldn't be surprised if she did this morning. You need to tell Janet before she does."

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