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July 8

Janet had went upstairs to go get the twins because Justice didn't move from her spot. I could barley see out of my eyes because they were clouded with tears.

My whole world just flipped upside down. My wife cheated on me, had kids, and had the nerve to call me a gold digger knowing damn well I stayed with her because I loved her.

Janet came downstairs with the twins in their carseats and tried to walk to the door, but she didn't get far because Justice stopped her.

"Stop." She whispered. "STOP!" She screamed causing Janet to turn around and put the babies on the floor facing Justice.

"You both need to pull your heads out of y'all asses! This is not healthy and will never be because the both of you need counseling. Janet you're going to leave and then wind up coming back no matter what and Toni you're going to continue to hurt her."

"Justice I'm leaving and-"

"Janet I don't think I asked for you opinion. You say you're leaving and then come back to this toxic life you call love. Look I think y'all issue is us, me, Kamden, and Kori. I got kidnapped and everything went downhill. Toni cheated with I'm assuming any and everyone and was bad at hiding it and Janet you grew to ignore it until you hit your breaking point."

"Janet I never cheated on you I pro-" Justice cut me off with a death glare.

"Toni I don't know who you're fooling because you can't lie worth a damn. You lying about it is making it worse just admit it." I took a deep breath and bit my lip, while wiping my tears that wouldn't stop falling.

"I did... I did cheat but your weren't paying me any attention-" Janet scoffed and folded her arms. "I didn't pay you any attention so you went out and slept with anyone who would? Toni listen to yourself."

"You weren't and you know you weren't you were so hurt about Justice not being here you forgot about me and my needs."

"Toni that doesn't mean cheat on me. I'm standing here wondering if all those nights I was crying and worrying about our daughter, the one you wanted so bad and I thought was dead, were you crying about that or about the fact that you cheated on me that night?" I didn't respond and she picked the kids up and started walking towards the door.

"Janet you can't always leave when things get bad if everyone did that no one would be married." Justice yelled out.

"Tell her how you feel." Janet stopped walking and turned around but she didn't sit the kids down.

"I feel betrayed, alone, lost, confused, hurt."

"I feel the same way baby-"

"It's Janet." She walked out of the house and put the babies in the car. I walked over to her car and stood there. "What does this mean?" She didn't answer me and just walked past me to get the bags that were in the house. I followed her into the house and blocked the door.

"Toni move please." She didn't look me in my face and I knew it was because she couldn't. "No Janet we can work this out please. I feel like if you leave this time that's it."

"You might be right about that Toni." I nodded my head but I still didn't move. "Janet can we try counseling? Please?"

"If I say yes will you move."

"No you should say yes because you want this... you want us." I could see Janet's heart start to race. "I don't know what I want Toni, but I do know I love you."

"Well that's enough right? You love me so you should want this to work." Janet finally looked me in my face she grabbed me and kissed me. The kiss was the better than the first time we kissed, when we pulled away she smiled.

"Love isn't always enough."

When she said that everything went in slow motion. She walked around me, all I felt was something break and I fell down. I could hear Justice scream but the only thing I saw was Janet's face before I saw nothing.

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