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I wiped the tears that had fallen and began to walk up the stairs. Toni was hot on my trail as I walked into the twins closet.

"Toni get out."

"What are you doing?" I grabbed the twins bags and began packing some clothes for them. I didn't answer her which made her mad.

"Answer me!"

"Stop screaming before you wake my kids up." I said harshly walking out of the closet and into our room. "Your kids?!"

"Yes my kids, you in here calling me a whole other bitch name and I'm gonna stay here? No you got me fucked up. I was wondering why you were acting so weird. God I'm so stupid." I said throwing as many clothes that would fit into my bag.

"I'm not cheating on you I swear I'm not baby just talk to me please." I took all three bags and walked them out to my car. I walked back into the house and Toni stood in front of the stairs.

"Toni move."

"No you aren't taking my kids and your not leaving." I flared my nose and I rolled my eyes. "Move out of my way."

"No just talk to me." She said trying to touch my face. "Don't touch me please just move.....I am so tired." She backed away from me.

"What are you tired of? Me?" I moved her out of the way and went upstairs into the twins room. I grabbed Kori and put on one of her jackets and placed her in the car seat.

"Janet are you serious?" I grabbed Kam and put his jacket on and put him in his car seat. Luckily they were both still sleeping.

"Can I at least say bye to my babies?" She asked as I carried them downstairs. I put Kam in first then Kori. When I walked over to the drivers seat Justice pulled into the driveway.

"Janet! Talk to me!"

"Oh so now you know my name!?" Justice walked over to us and looked worried. "What's going on? Why are you leaving? Where are you taking the twins?"

"I don't know but I can't stay here." I looked into Toni's eyes and I could tell she was hurt but I was in more pain then she was.

"Mia come on!" My eyes widened and I scoffed. I got into the car and drove as far as I could without ever looking back.

"Did you just call her Mia? As in my Mia?" I asked Toni

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"Did you just call her Mia? As in my Mia?" I asked Toni. "Fuck! Justice not right now okay?" She turned to walk in the house and I was right behind her.

"No! No mom come on what is going on with you? You calling mommy out of her name and drinking?"

"I'm not drunk!"

"I can smell you from all the way over here, you are drunk!" She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water out of the fridge.

"Did you know Mia?"

"I knew a Mia before I met Janet, but I broke it off."

"Well why are you all of a sudden calling her name?"

"I'm not talking about this with you. You aren't my wife and you don't deserve answers." Toni walked upstairs and into her room shutting the door.

"If your talking about Mia the woman who kidnapped me and stripped me from having an actual family I do deserve answers! Your probably the reason I was kidnapped!" I yelled kicking the door.

"Right now you remind me just of her, shutting me out, abusing me, and treating me like shit. I thought we were done with this, for a year now I've been here and we finally built a relationship, but now it feels like a lie."

I walked into my room and packed a bag. I got into my car and drove until I reached one place I never thought I would come to for help, Tamar's place. I knocked on the door and she opened it.

"Who the he- Justice?" I wiped my tears and looked up at her. "Hey can I come in?" She looked outside and then opened the door further letting me in.

"Why are you here?" I dropped my bag next to me as I sat on the couch. "Mom she's going through something, she's completely different. Mommy left and took the twins-"

"Wait who?"

"Toni's completely different."

"Oh I've noticed too I just thought something was going on between her and Janet."

"No they've been fine no arguing it's just Toni's been drinking and acting off towards everyone, but tonight was different."

"Different how?"

"She called mommy out of her name, she called her Mia."

"You know her?"

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"You know her?"

"What?! Why would you ask me a question like that?"

"Your face told everything."

"Well Toni dated a Mia before she met Janet and then Janet proposed but she kept talking to Mia until she and Janet got married."

"Wait.... she cheated up until they got married?" She nodded her head. "Yeah but I'm pretty sure there's more to the story."

"Yeah but I wonder if she's the woman that kidnapped me." Tamar's face was priceless. "Excuse me?"

"My Mia is the lady who raised me, but I'm wondering if that's the same lady."

"I wouldn't put it past her she went crazy after she found out Toni was getting married to Janet." She stood up and rubbed my shoulder.

"Come on let's get some sleep I know your day was hectic. Let me show you to your room." I picked up my bag and we went to the room. "Here we are."

"Please don't tell anyone that I'm here please, I don't want her to find me I just need some time."

"Sure you can stay here as long as you want."

"Thanks I appreciate it."

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