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Me, Toni, and Justice were all laying in the bed watching a movie, well me and Justice because Toni fell asleep, Justice started asking  me questions

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Me, Toni, and Justice were all laying in the bed watching a movie, well me and Justice because Toni fell asleep, Justice started asking me questions. "Why is my name Justice?"

"You want the truth?" I asked her. "That's why I asked." I looked at her from the corner of my eye and she changed her attitude. "I'm sorry, yes I would like to know the truth."

"Toni choose it we said whoever has the child gets to name them, so your name really has no significance. Other then the fact that it was the name of the first movie character I played."

"Really what was the movie?"

"Poetic Justice." Her eyes lit up when I said it. "Your lying right?" I laughed at her, "no I'm serious why do you think I'm lying?"

"Because that's one of my favorite movies, I was watching it one time and Mia caught me watching it and took the tape, so I had to sneak and watch it after that." I rolled my eyes when I heard Mia's name brought up.

"Um well depending on how old you were you should've been watching it." She sucked her teeth and looked at me, "if we're going to be honest here the only thing y'all did was cuss and kiss, the movie barley had a sex scene and when they did it was for ten seconds tops. Can we watch it?"

"Oh no no no we will not." She pouted and crawled over so she could lay on my lap. "Please mommy please!"

"Even if I wanted to we couldn't we don't have any of my movies in the house."

"Why not?"

"Because I can't watch myself it makes me cringe." She turned to face my stomach and started talking to the children. "You hear this she all like she can't watch herself that's some bullshit."

"Aye don't cuss at my children I don't want their first words to be bullshit." She sucked her teeth and sat up. "They're first words will not be bullshit. Has Toni been in any movies?"

I hid my face with my hands when she asked that question. "Aye why you cover your face? Was it that bad?"

"No it wasn't bad.... well her part wasn't bad."

"Part your saying she only had one scene?" I looked up at the ceiling, "oh it's so pretty outside today look at the birds chirping."

"Stop playing answer the question."

"Fine she had like three scenes or one of them was really long I really don't remember it was so long ago."

"How long ago?"

"Four years ago." She hit my leg and went back to laying where she was before. "That's not even that long ago."

"Thank you Justice and I don't appreciate you talking about my first movie like that." I jumped at the sound of her voice. "Toni don't do that you almost made me pee on myself."

"It wasn't that serious ma." Justice said laughing. "If you wanna watch Poetic Justice we can Jus." I scrunched my face up, "how Toni you know we don't have any of our movies in the house."

"Oh no, you don't have any of your movies in the house I have all of them. I'll be right back I'm going to go get the movie." When she got up their was a knock at the door and we all looked at each other.

"Fine I'll get it even though Toni was already up." Justice said getting up and putting on a oversized hoodie. "I was going to a place upstairs not downstairs." Justice waved her off and left out of the room.

"Toni when I find these movies, and I will find these movies, I will break everything single one of them." She laughed and walked out of the room. "Jan honey I have more then ten copies and they aren't all in the same place."

When she walked out of the room I could hear Justice scream, "AHHHH! OH MY GOSH!" Toni walked back into the room with the movie and we looked at each other, "it's only one person that makes anyone scream like that."

"Micheal." We said rolling our eyes and Justice came running in the room. "You won't believe whose at the door." She said out of breath. "Oh I bet you we can." Toni said.

"HEY MIKEY." I said getting out of the bed after hearing the front door close. "Hey Janet!" I followed Toni and Justice to the living room and I saw most of my family.

"Hey everyone!" Toni said walking over to hug Jackie, Randy, Jermaine, Rebbie, Latoya, Micheal, and Mother.

"Hey Toni it's so nice to see you." Mother said sitting down. "I haven't seen you in so long how's everything going?" Toni looked back at me and smiled. "Oh it's going alright. Can I get you guys anything? Water?"

"No T sit down we came to meet Justice." Jackie said. "Well we already met her when she busted our ear drums at the door." Randy said laughing.

"You thought that was real funny didn't you?" I asked walking further into the room. Everyone's else widened when I walked in and Micheal was the first to say something.

"I speak for all of us when I say this, we knew you were pregnant but damn dunk you're huge." I rolled my eyes and went to hug Mother. "I say the same thing everyday."

"Shut up Toni. There's actually two babies in here." I said poking my stomach. "Two?! I thought you only asked for one."

"It's not an order Randy it's just like any other pregnancy." Latoya said walking over to me. "May I?" she asked pointing to my stomach.

"Sure, but you guys said you're here for Justice." I held my hand out for Justice and she grabbed it. "This Justice is my Mother and then we have all but three of my siblings. Jackie, Jermaine, Rebbie, Latoya, Randy, and of course Michael."

"Hi." Justice said waving. "Oh don't be shy now sweetie, you're really pretty." Rebbie said walking over to give Justice a hug. Surprisingly she gave her one.

"Thank you." She said smiling. "Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself." Mother said. "Yeah sure, I'm seventeen, I already graduated from high school, I love to dance, and I think I'm pretty funny."

"Well you definitely sound like Janet's child especially with the dancing, Jan you gonna let her be in one of your new videos."

"No maybe Toni's because I decided to release my album next year along with the videos." I looked at Toni and she looked uncomfortable.

"Guys we'll be back keep talking to Justice." I walked over to Toni and pulled her the kitchen. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing Janet."

"You're calling me Janet your mad at something what is it?" Toni shook her head and just walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs. I walked back into the living room and continued my conversation with my family.

"Where's Toni going? We were just about to ask if she wanted to go shopping I know she's tired of being in the house with a pregnant Janet." Latoya said. "She's tired before you got here she was taking a nap."

"Well tell her if she ever gets overwhelmed with you call us, we got her." Rebbie said pulling out some gum.

"I will I'm pretty sure she'll take you up on that offer."

"That's what family's for."

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