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After Janet and Toni left Justice had woken up, but she still didn't say anything about her mother. Lauren wanted to tell her about her mother not really being her mother but it never seemed like the right time to tell her.

"You said you had good news, I hope it's good enough to make me feel a better than I already do." Lauren was very surprised she said anything but she jumped at the opportunity to ask about her relationship with her mother.

"Tell me about the kind of person your mom was, I don't know anything about her."

"Well her name was Mia and she was my mother." Lauren's face frowned at the description. "That's all you have to say about her?"

"Yeah I mean she was never really a mother she said she loved me and there were times it seemed we had a great relationship but we never did. It's like she regretted having me and she tried to make up for it by giving me things she thought I needed."

"Is that's why you are the way you are right now."

"How am I?"

"Calm and cool but still hurt about your mother being... you know."

"Dead. I've always been alone I guess I'm just accepting it, but she was still my mother."

"About that... from what you just said I guess this could be great news." Justice was facing the window the entire time they talked and Lauren was sitting on the left side of the bed near the door. They never made eye contact.

"What is it?" Justice was still facing the window but her tone in her voice changed.

"Well in 1994 a little girl went missing at the park and the parents have been looking for her ever since, finally eleven years later they found her."

"Right. What does this have to do with me?"

"You are the little girl that went missing eleven years ago." Justice slowly turned to face Lauren. "Those two voices you heard were your parents, Janet and Toni."

"Women?" Justice looked from the tv back to Lauren and busted out laughing. "My parents are gay?! Your kidding right?" Lauren didn't look amused and Justice noticed. "Oh shit your for real. Okay wait....I've heard them before but on a song."

"Yeah I think they should talk to you about that not me, they should be coming today or tomorrow."

"Okay that sounds great but I was wondering if you could get my phone for me please."

"Yeah sure i'll be back."

This year has been stressful for me and Janet and it's only the third month of year

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This year has been stressful for me and Janet and it's only the third month of year. A couple of hours ago we finally got the chance to see our daughter after eleven years it was the best feeling in the world, but now I have to go to work to shoot my final episode for 'Kevin Hill'.

"Baby have you seen my work bag?" It was six thirty in the morning and Janet was knocked out. We had just got in the house and she went straight to sleep while I took my shower.

"TOWANDA!" I screamed and she came walking in shortly after. "Toni it's early as hell why are you screaming? Look the car is downstairs waiting on us we have to go."

"I'm looking for my work bag."

"I have it now let's go before we catch this morning traffic, your supposed to be there at nine fifteen."

"Okay, okay here I come." I ran over and gave Janet a kiss on the forehead and left out of the room. I ran into the kitchen to try to get some fruit but Towanda yelled at me. "I have fruit already let's go Toni!"

"Okay good." I said and ran to leave out of the house while turning off the lights and turning up the heat.

back at the hospital
"Hey baby!" Justice winced at Travis telling in the phone because she still had a bad headache. "Can you be a little quieter."

"I'm sorry babe it's just that I haven't heard from you in a while."

"Yeah I know we were in an accident and-."

"An accident?! Is everything okay?!" Justice pulled the phone away from her ear and took a deep breath. "Yes I mean no, it's a lot honestly can you just come here so I can talk to you in person. I just need to hug someone right now." A tear rolled down Justice's face for the first time in a while.

"Yeah baby drop your location I'll be there as soon as possible. You want something to eat?"

"You if that's on the menu." Travis chuckled a little bit. "It's not on the menu not today baby." Justice sucked her teeth and laughed. "Then I'm okay just hurry please."

"Okay baby hear I come." Justice hung up the phone and took this as an opportunity to take a nap because she was exhausted. When she woke up she came face to face with Travis who was also sleep. She kissed his cheek and he woke up.

"Hey beautiful how was your nap?"

"It was great how long was I out?" Travis checked the clock. "I've been here for about two hours so maybe a little longer than that, so you want to tell me what's wrong with you?"

"Other than a severe concussion, a broken collarbone, broken leg, broken ribs, and a dead mother I'm fine."

"Wait Mia's dead."

"Yeah but there's more tea to that but I don't want to talk about right this second just hold me and tell me about your day." Travis started talking about his day but on the other side of the door Toni and Janet were talking to Lauren and the doctor.

"She has today and she can leave and go home, but the problem with that is what is her home and is she going to be open to the change." The doctor said.

"Exactly and I'm her to make sure that she is comfortable and she gets what she deserves." Lauren said as she looked into Toni's eyes.

"Okay so, there's something's that come with Justice after the accident, she's expected to heal fully but the concussion is going to cause-." The room turned blue as sirens went off and a nurse busted it.

"Code blue in room 346!" The doctor jumped up and ran out of the room and Lauren went to follow but Janet yelled stopping her.

"Where are you going?"

"That's Justice's room."

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