Deckard Shaw x Reader

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Dedicated to canadiancat23

Up next: Brian O'Conner x Requested Reader

Later: Deckard Shaw x Requested Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Getting kidnapped was not a part of my to do list, but it was to Deckard Shaw. As I sat across from him at the table, he honestly thought that I wanted to eat at the table with him.
  However, I couldn't get up, because he had tied my wrists down to the arms of the chair. If he knew me well enough, he knew that I would've been out that window already if I had something to cut this rope around both of my wrists with.

  Deckard sighed and said,"Just be glad that I didn't make those tighter. Eat, Y/N."

  I was able to reach just enough to grab the end of my plate and pushed it onto the floor. I actually felt bad for wasting food, but I didn't feel bad for making Deckard see that I wasn't with this kidnapping me thing.

  Deckard got up from his chair and cut the rope around both of my wrists. Immediately, I punched him in the nose. He fell back, and I made a run for the nearest window.

  However, Deckard caught me and said,"Y/N, someone's trying to kill you, and I'm trying to make sure that you don't die."

  I pushed him off of me and looked him in the eyes saying,"Thank you for caring so much, but why did you have to kidnap me and tie me down then?"

  Deckard glanced down at my hand that I had just punched him with, before he wiped under his nose saying,"Because I knew you wouldn't listen to me, because I ended our relationship."

  I took a step forward, and Deckard took one back. I smirked, and he made a face at me.

  I said,"Fine. That punch was for leaving me and for kidnapping me, but next time, just talk to me. And you're wrong, I would have listened to you. I would've listened to you, because even though you did let our relationship go, you did look out for me. If you say someone's after me, I believe you."

  Deckard just stared at me for a minute, and then he said,"Come on."


  "I have something to return to you. Don't try anything while my back is turned, Y/N."

  When Deckard turned around, I laughed saying,"I'm not making any promises. You did take me against my will, Shaw. Don't forget that, so you do have to make it up to me. I think annoying you is a good start."

  Deckard rolled his eyes, and I followed him to his bedroom. He pulled something out of a drawer and opened my hand, placing something in it.
  I looked down and saw the bracelet my mother had given me before she passed. I had been looking for this forever, but how did Deckard have it?

  Deckard sat down beside me and said,"You left it here, and I've been meaning to give it to-"

  I made him stop talking by placing a kiss on his cheek, resting my hand on the other side of his face.

  When I pulled away, I hugged Deckard's neck and said,"Thank you for keeping it safe for me."

  Deckard wrapped his arms around me and said,"You're welcome. Don't worry. I'll get you back home in no time."

  "I'm not worried. Just don't kidnap me again. For real, that's not okay."

  Deckard said,"I won't. I promise."


Fast and Furious ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon