Forget The Bra

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Song: Your Body Is A Weapon by The Wombats

Jake left about twenty minutes ago to go get food, other than hospital food. I refuse to eat it. So, him being an amazing friend, offered to go to In N Out for me. This is my third day in the hospital, and the day I'm supposed to go home.

My mom got here the next day after everything happened, and has been visiting daily. She unfortunately has to go back to Florida today though. I've loved being able to see her, and she felt so guilty for not knowing about what was happening with my dad.

Her and David are going to move back to New York, temporarily, until I get a place of my own when I turn eighteen. Which is in two months. She had to get back to Florida so they could start packing. She plans to be back in New York by Monday, and today is Wednesday.

I'm out of school until my ribs heal completely, and hopefully the bruises will all be gone by then too. It's going to be weird, staying at Jake's house until Monday, while he's at school. Knowing him, he'll stay home with me.

I shove the hospital blankets off of me, and painfully sit up. I let out a groan, and push myself to stand. I slowly walk over to the floor length mirror in my hospital room, and with some difficulty, untie my hospital gown, and let it drop to the floor. I'm only wearing a pair of blue underwear, and use one arm to cover my boobs, in case a doctor walks in.

I let my eyes roam over all of the cuts and bruises covering my body. Luckily, the ones on my face are mostly healed, other than the faint ones by my eyes from the nose fracture I received.

Hearing the door open, my eyes look into the mirror, and lock with Jake's, who just walked in the room. I wasn't expecting him back already, and I'm guessing he wasn't expecting me to be almost completely naked when he returned.

"I.. I wanted to see the bruises," I explain in a whisper, as he slowly sets the food bags down, his eyes never leaving mine. He nods, and slowly walks over to me.

"You're beautiful," he tells me, coming to a stop behind me. I feel a blush spread on my face, and look away from him. One of his hands comes around, and starts to trace my hip tattoo. His touch makes me shiver, and he knows it, by the smile on his delicious lips.

"When can I leave?" I ask him, trying to distract myself from his touch.

"In an hour. So, you need to get dressed, and eat your lunch," he says with a smile.

"Could um... could you help me get dressed?" I blush, not able to look at him. "I can't raise my arms much without it hurting."

"Yeah. I can do that," he breathes. He steps away from me, and over to the bag of clothes my mom brought me. He walks back over and shows me a pair of black joggers, a sports bra, and a pink tank top. "This okay?"

"Yeah." I smile.

"Let's sit you down." He places a hand on my bare back, and helps me over to the hospital bed.

I sit down, one arm still covering my chest. He kneels down in front of me, and I help him get my legs into the joggers. He helps me stand, and pulls them up the rest of the way, then sits me back down.

"Um. I'm not sure how you want to do this next part," he says, holding the sports bra up. Shit. I didn't think about that.

"We'll just forget the bra." I grab the tank top with my free hand, and hand it to him. "Um.. just hold it out so I can get my arms in, and close your eyes."

"Sure thing, princess." He chuckles, fixing the tank top so I can slip my arms in. I put my arms into the holes, and pull the front down, so my chest is covered.

"Okay." His eyes open, and he finishes putting the tank top on me, lifting it so my head goes into the other hole. I adjust it on myself, and smile at him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiles and winks at me, making me blush even more. Why the hell was him helping me get dressed fucking hot as hell? This man can make anything sexy.

He stands up, and grabs the bag of food off of the table by my hospital bed. "Eat up, then we'll take you home."

We eat in a mostly comfortable silence, both of us glancing at each other now and then. Ever since our kiss the other day, I cannot stop thinking about it. About him. And now him seeing me mostly naked, it's got me all hot and bothered.

"Good news!" a voice says, stepping into the room. My doctor, Dr. Kasem says, a bright smile on her face. "You're free to go!"

"Really? Awesome." I smile over at Jake. He winks at me, finishing off his burger.

"Just remember, no school or strenuous activities until you're completely healed. Meaning, no sex, you two."

"Oh um we're not-," Jake cuts me off.

"Damn. That'll be hard, but I'll try." He smirks, not taking his eyes off of me. I blush profusely, not able to make eye contact with either of them. Jake just chuckles, and the doctor looks slightly uncomfortable but also amused.

"Alright, well, you're free to go then. You'll come back for a checkup in a couple weeks, to see how you're doing, and see if you can be signed off to return to normal." She smiles, and hands me the consent form to release me. "Have a great day you two. See you soon, Emma."

"Bye. Thank you!" She leaves the room, and I instantly glare at Jake. "Really? It'll be hard but you'll try?"

"Just being honest." He shrugs, making me raise an eyebrow.

"I don't remember us ever doing that in that first place." I stand up, and he does too, leaning down to grab my bag.

"In my dreams, princess," he teases, winking at me. Fucking hell.

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