You Started This, And I'm Finishing It

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Song: Wow by Zara Larsson

It's been about a month since everything that happened. I've mostly been hiding inside my house, healing. Mentally and physically. I had a minor concussion from being hit over the head and knocked out, plus my wrists and ankles have bruises from being tied up.

I haven't talked to Jake yet, but I know I need to. I miss him more than anything, but I needed time to figure out what to do. I'm going to give him the second chance he's asking me for, which is something I never do. Ever.

Because even though he hid what happened with Howie from me, I'm starting to understand why. I don't want to know the behind the scenes details about that part of his life. I know he isn't a bad person, and I know he isn't like my dad. Yeah, some people would run for the hills, but I don't want to run to him instead.

"He killed people," my conscious reminds me. Yes, out of self defense for me. They were torturing me and my mom, and were going to end up killing us instead.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" a voice breaks me out of my thoughts. I'm currently sitting against a tree outside of our school during lunchtime. I look up to see Jake standing there, looking concerned.

"You," I respond honestly. He drops his bag next to mine, and sits down next to me.

"Yeah? What about me?" he asks, pulling his knees up, and laying his arms over them, then looking at me.

"I'm thinking about how you saved my life. And how despite everything that's happened, I still love you more than anything. You showing up for me every single time has helped me to trust you again," I tell him, looking over at him. He's smiling slightly, picking at the grass with his fingers.

"So, what does that mean, then?" He looks at me, his beautiful eyes boring into mine. I lean towards him, placing a hand on the back of his neck. My lips softly touch his for a second, before pulling away.

"It means I want to be your girl again. Please," I whisper, leaning my forehead against his.

"Fuck. I've been waiting for those words to come out of your delicious lips," he whispers back, running his fingers through my hair. I bite my lip, looking into his eyes.

"Maybe later I can show you what else these lips can do," I whisper in his ear, then quickly jump to my feet, giggling, as I see him battling with himself. He groans, mock glaring at me.

"You're a tease, princess," he says with a laugh, also jumping to his feet. I giggle again, kissing his lips softly.

He wraps one arm around my waist, pulling me closer, and deepens the kiss. He gently bites my bottom lip, making me gasp, and he slips his tongue into my mouth. A soft moan leaves my mouth, and I almost forget where we are. He breaks the kiss, and smirks.

"If I have to be turned on all day, so do you," he whispers, then grabs both of our bags and starts to walk away. I scoff, quickly catching up to him.

"It's not my fault you have a dirty mind. Maybe I meant I can show you how my lips lick a lollipop, or eat ice cream, or how I can make my tongue into a taco," I shrug, knowing exactly what I'm doing to him. He looks at me, his eyes dark with lust.

"Princess, I need you to stop, before I find an empty classroom, and have my way with you," he tells me, grabbing my hand. I bite my lip and look away. "You're thinking about it now, aren't you."

It's not a question, but a statement. He knows exactly what's running through my mind now. Me, bent over a desk, and him fucking me from behind. I blush at my thoughts, shaking my head fiercely.

"Am not. I'm thinking about my calculus test," I lie and he laughs loudly. I stop at my locker to switch out my books, and he comes up behind me, whispering in my ear.

"If you want me to fuck you over a desk, all you have to do is ask nicely," he whispers, nibbling on my ear. I bite my lip to hold back a moan, and actually find myself nodding.

"Please," I breathe, my head leaning back into his shoulder as his lips leave a trail down my neck.

"Fuck, princess. I didn't think you'd actually agree," he slightly laughs. "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" I ask, slamming my locker shut as he grabs my hand, walking away quickly.

"To find an empty classroom," he states the obvious, making me giggle and blush. "You started this, and I'm finishing it."

"Do I want to know why you know which classrooms are empty?" I ask hesitantly, and he chuckles.

"Q, Ollie and I used to go to one to smoke weed, before I stopped doing all that shit," he responds, stopping at a classroom.

He pushes the door open, and motions for me to go inside. I look around the empty hallway, then step into the room, him following after me. He shuts and locks the door behind me, as I walk over to the teachers desk, and toss my bag down next to it.

"Are you sure nobody will be coming in here?" I ask, biting my lip as I sit on the edge of the desk.

"I'm sure, princess. This classroom hasn't been occupied in a year or so," he tells me, standing between my legs. I continue to bite my lip, looking up at him from under my eyelashes. "Fuck, you're beautiful." I blush at his words, grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer to me.

"I love when you're sweet to me, but I also love when you're rough," I whisper, as my hands start to unbuckle his belt. He groans as he watches me, his eyes never leaving mine. "I told you I would show you what else my lips can do."

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