The Fight

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Kaitlynn Bell as Emma Carter
Song: This City by Sam Fischer

"Emma Loren Carter!" my dad yells through the house. I quickly finish dressing, covering the bruises on my arms with my long sleeved shirt, then throw my coat on. It's the first day back to school from winter break, and I'm excited to see my friends again, and get out of the house.

With a final glance in the mirror, I praise the makeup lords for the amount of coverage my concealer has. You can't even notice the bruises on my face. I hurry out of my room, and down the stairs to where my dad is, glaring at me.

"When I call for you, you come to me instantly," he says, his voice cold and emotionless. I nod, and he grabs my freshly curled blonde locks. "Answer me!"

"Yes sir," I respond, trying to not cry out in pain. He pushes me away, making me slam into the wall behind me. He grabs his bottle of bourbon off of the coffee table, and stomps up the stairs.

I force back the tears, not wanting my makeup to be ruined, and hurriedly walk out of the house. I slip into my black Range Rover, and back out of the driveway. My mom and step-dad bought me my car when I turned sixteen, almost two years ago. They live in Florida now, while I still live in New York with my dad.

My mom has no idea what my dad has turned into, no matter how many times I've tried to tell her. He won't let me. So, my dad keeps my car in pristine condition, to make sure she never finds out. If he were to destroy it, she'd surely know something was wrong.

Other than that, he doesn't give a fuck.

And nobody, other than myself, my best friend, and him, know what happens in that house. The mental, emotional and physical abuse. I act like my life is perfect, I guess in hopes that one day, it will come true.

"Emmy!" a voice calls for me, making me turn around, right before walking into the school building.

"Hey, Dani." I smile, giving her a hug. Danielle has been my best friend since we were little, she knows everything about me, even about my dad.

"I haven't seen you, like all winter break! What were you doing?" she asks, as we walk to our lockers. Her last name is Caden so her locker is next to mine.

"I spent a week in Florida with my mom and David, the rest of the time I was home." I shrug, and she frowns.

"Is he still doing it?" she whispers, her eyes filled with concern. I look around us, then back to her, and roll my sleeve up, showing the bruises. "Em... You need to tell the police."

I quickly roll my sleeve back down, rapidly shaking my head. "I can't, Dee. You know that." She sighs, and hugs me again.

"I know, I just hate that he does that, and gets away with it." Danielle is my only true friend, other than Kira, my other best friend. All my other friends are fake and use me for popularity. And I let them. It makes me seem like I'm not alone, even though I truly am.

"Dee! Em! Come on, there's a fight going down outside," Kira says, running up to us.

"On the first back at school?" I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, I don't know who started it, but I do know that Brian Walker is involved," she tells me.

"Oh, this I've got to see."

Brian Walker is a tool. I don't date, and I refused to sleep with him, so he started rumors about us. Saying I slept with him and gave him an STD. The rumors didn't last long, apparently someone took care of them, but I don't know who.

"Come on. Let's go see him get his ass beat." Dani grabs my hand, and we head towards the front of the building. I can already hear the shouting and chanting as we step outside.

I instantly spot Brian's light brown locks, but who I don't expect to see, is who's kicking his ass. There, throwing punches at Brian's stupid face, is Jake Cantelli. The sexy Italian school bad boy.

I know, he's a bad boy, what's so surprising about him being in a fight? I have never, ever, seen Jake Cantelli actually fight anyone. But he definitely gets a bad rep. So whatever Brian did, he must have severely pissed Jake off.

Jake throws a punch at Brian, knocking Brian to the ground. I jump, and Jake's green eyes land on me. Our eyes lock, and for some reason, I can't look away. I've seen this guy probably every day in the school halls, but this time, I'm in a trance.

"Alright, break it up!" Mr. Howard, the principal, yells. The trance is broken, and I look away. Everyone starts to go back into the school building. "Mr. Cantelli. Mr. Walker. In my office. Now!"

"He's staring at you," Kira whispers.

"Do you think I care if Brian is staring at me? He's always staring at me." I roll my eyes.

"Not Brian. Jake," she clarifies. My head snaps up, and our eyes lock again. He smirks, then turns away and walks towards the building, his tattoo'd hands stuffed into his pockets. The only place I've seen on him that isn't covered with tattoos is his face. But then again, I haven't seen much of him.

"Why was he staring at you? Holy fuck, he's hot." See giggles. I laugh at my slutty best friend.

"I have no idea. And I really don't care." We walk back into the building, and go to our first class, where everyone is late.

Midway through the class, the door opens, and in walks Jake Cantelli. He looks around, and his green eyes lock onto my blue ones. His smirk returns, as he saunters over to me, and plops down in the seat next to me.

"He deserved to get his ass kicked," he randomly says, looking directly at me, as everyone else pays attention to the teacher.

"He usually does," I snort, earning a chuckle from him. "Why this time, though?"

"He couldn't keep his mouth shut. I told him before, he needs to keep your name out of his mouth." I turn to look at him, stunned.

"That was you?" I question, having no clue who got the rumors under control. He nods, a small grin on his face. "Thank you."

He chuckles, his smirk returning. "No need to thank me. I was waiting for an excuse to kick his ass."

I can't help the smile that forms on my face. A true smile, that my friends didn't cause, for the first time in a very long time. I think it surprises him, because he looks slightly stunned, then smiles back.

The rest of the class, I feel him glance at me, then I glance at him, and look away when he notices. It's small, and I'm sure it means nothing to him, but it actually makes me feel really good.

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