You Lied To Me

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Song: Impossible by James Arthur (cover)

Jake has been calling me nonstop the past couple of days, but I've been holed up in my room, refusing to talk to him just yet. My mom has told me he's come to see me repeatedly, but she turns him away each time. I know I need to talk to him, but I still don't know what I should do.

Do I break up with him? Even though I know this is a part of his life? But he did lie to me. He left me when I told him something important, to beat up some defenseless kid because his dad owed money. He never told me. And he continues to do it without saying a word to me. How am I supposed to trust him?

I'm currently sitting on my bed, sitting against the headboard, my knees pulled to my chest. There's a knock on my door, and my mom peaks her head in. She gives me an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, he begged me," is all she says, before the door opens more, and Jake storms in, his eyes wild with concern and worry. His eyes land on me, and I can see the breath of relief he lets out. My mom shuts the door after she leaves.

"Emma. What the fuck is going on?" he asks, walking over to me. "What the hell did I do?"

"Howie Prince." Just those two words out of my mouth makes him freeze in his spot. "Didn't think I would find out?"

"I wasn't hiding it from you, Emma. Who told you?" he asks, stepping forward again. I give him a look, and he stops.

"Howie did. I saw the bruises on him, so I went to ask him what happened. He thought I was there for you to ask about the money his dad owes your dad. He was terrified of me at first, until he realized I had no fucking clue what he was talking about. He told me it started a month ago. A month ago, Jake. The same fucking day I told you how I felt about you, and you left me. The day you told me you loved me. That same very day, you lied to me and left me, feeling rejected, to go kick Howie's ass, for your dad!"

"I didn't have a choice, Emma! I didn't know you were going to tell me that then. My dad made me and Ollie do that and it had been planned a few days prior. I didn't do it on purpose. And no, I didn't tell you about the other trips because I didn't want you to think I'm like your dad." I scoff at his excuses.

"Could have fucking fooled me, Jake. You hurt people. Just like him. Your whole family does. All you've done this past month apparently is lie to me! Is that where you are when you say that you're 'busy', Jake? Hurting people?" I'm sobbing at this point, and he immediately walks over to me, pulling me into a hug.

"No, baby. No. I swear. I'm sorry I lied to you about Howie. I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was happening. I swear to God, I am not like your dad. Baby, please believe me," he whispers.

"You made me think you would never hurt me. That you would never lie to me. But now I don't think I can trust you," I whisper, looking away from him, and breaking the hug.

"Princess, please." I shake my head, my whole body shaking. I honestly feel betrayed.

"You lied to me, Jake. You know I don't do well trusting people and you broke that trust that I somehow built up for you. We're over. Please leave."

"I'm so sorry, Emma," he whispers before leaving the room, tears flowing down his cheeks. I start to sob uncontrollably, my hands going into my hair and lightly pulling at it.

"Emma? Is everything okay?" my mom asks at my door, knocking gently.

"I'm fine, mom," I sniffle, not wanting her to come in.

"Dee and Kira are here. Do I send them in?" she questions after a few minutes of silence.

"Yes," I sob, covering my mouth as I continue to cry. The door opens, and Dani and Kira walk in, then freeze.

"Oh my God, what happened?" They're at my side in an instant, hugging me tightly.

"I broke up with Jake." Since I'm crying, I don't even know if that was understood, but they both gasp.

"What?!" Dani all but yells, and I flinch. "Sorry! What happened?"

"He's what happened to Howie. Him and Ollie. The Don made them beat him up because his dad owes them money."

"Ollie?" Kira asks, shocked. I nod, giving her a sad smile. "Wow. I need to talk to him too then. But I'm so sorry, Em."

"It was the day they left after I told Jake how I felt about him. He left and beat up Howie. I just... I don't know what to think. I trusted him, you know? That's not easy for me to do," I whisper, wiping my eyes.


Jake's POV

"How the hell do I fix this, man?" I ask Ollie and Q, after explaining what happened with Emma. I fucked up. I really did.

"Does she know it was only the one time? The rest of the time it's been Kian," Q remarks, and I shake my head.

"I don't think she does, but it's still me. It's my family doing it to him. That won't change anything." I sigh, laying back on my bed.

"Fuck. Emma's gonna tell Kira it was me too," Ollie mutters, shaking his head. "She's already on edge with me. Like yeah we're talking, but she won't agree to date me yet. Now she really won't."

"Maybe this will help me with Dani. You two fucked up and suddenly, I look good," Q smirks. Ollie and I look at each other, then smack Q upside the back of his head. "Ow. Dicks. Just saying."

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