Being Rejected Isn't Easy

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Song: Falling by Harry Styles

"Thank you for letting me crash here until my mom gets back." I hug Dani, then Kira who is staying the night also.

"Not a problem! I just can't believe he didn't say anything back."

"It's not that he didn't... it's... I don't think he knew what to say. I think he was trying to find a way to let me down gently. I don't know," I sigh, falling onto Dani's bed.

"What did he say, exactly?" Kira asks as they both sit next to me. I turn onto my side, looking at them.

"At first, nothing. Then, I went to leave, and he pulled me closer to him, and he told me not to walk away from him. Then Ollie knocked on the door, and they had to leave. He said we would talk later, but I left."

"Has he called or texted you?" Dani questions, looking up from her phone.

"Yeah. Like, a lot. He wants to know where I went and why I left. And he said we still need to talk."

"Then you should talk to him. Maybe it was a misunderstanding," Kira offers, shrugging slightly.

I grab my phone, and see the last missed call was a couple of minutes ago. It's been a couple hours now since I left the house. I drove around for a while, before coming to Dee's. I swipe the missed call, and it starts to ring.

"Holy fuck. Emma. Where the hell are you?" his worried and panicked voice fills my ears.

"I'm at Danielle's," I respond, the familiar butterflies in my stomach every time I hear his voice.

"Why? Why did you leave? I thought...fuck. When I couldn't get ahold of you...I thought something happened to you." I suddenly feel extremely guilty.

"I'm sorry...I just...I needed to get out of that house. Being rejected isn't easy." I tell him, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Who the fuck said you were rejected? I sure as hell didn't." He's pissed.

"Well you sure as hell didn't say anything else," I snap, letting out a sigh.

"I'm coming to get you. We're going to talk, so don't fucking leave." He hangs up, and I set my phone down.

"Well, I've pissed him off. And he's coming over." I run a hand through my hair, feeling frustrated.

"How does he know my address?" Dee asks, looking confused.

"From when I was supposed to stay with you before."

"Oh. That makes sense." She laughs. Kira rolls her eyes and smiles.

"Just a bit," Kira responds sarcastically with a laugh. It's been a few minutes since I got off the phone with Jake, and my phone vibrates.

'Come outside. Now.' - Jake

I let out a sigh, and push myself off of the bed. "I'll be back. He's here."

I step out of Dee's house, and spot Jake leaning against his mustang. Once he sees me, he stands up straight, and heads in my direction. I stop walking, seeing the determined look on his face.

"Don't you ever say that I rejected you. I would never reject you. Ever." He comes to a stop in front of me, his angry demeanor softening when he looks at me.

"You're confusing me, Jake." He sighs, and paces around in front of me.

"I've never done this shit before. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing." He stops pacing, then walks up to me again "Fuck...I...I don't just like you. I love you, princess."

I'm frozen. And speechless. "You love me?"

"I crushed on you from a distance. Keeping an eye on you, I got to know the real you before I ever even talked to you that first day back from winter break. And then I actually got to know you, and I fell in love with you." He caresses my cheek, and I lean into his hand. "I know you don't feel the same quite yet, but knowing you feel something for me, I'll take it."

"Can I kiss you now?" I whisper. He chuckles and nods. I stand on my tiptoes, put one hand on his chest and the other on the back of his neck, and press my lips to his.

We both let out content sighs, like we needed this our whole lives. Like we can finally breathe because we confessed our feelings for each other. I never knew I needed a kiss so badly.

We break apart, and I can't stop smiling. I never thought anyone would love me, yet, here we are. Jake Cantelli, son of the mafia leader, loves me. And I know it won't be long until I'm in love with him too.

"Emma Carter, will you be my girlfriend?" He leans his forehead against mine, running his fingers through my hair.

"Absolutely." I smile. He chuckles and kisses me softly.

"Are you staying here until Monday then?" he asks, after we pull away.

"Yeah, everything is here now. Plus it's time to spend with my girls. Is that okay?" I don't know why I feel the need to ask, probably because I've never had any kind of freedom the past four years.

"Of course it is. I don't control you, princess. I'm just going to miss seeing you all the time," he tells me softly, smiling at me.

"You can see me whenever you want to, handsome." I run my fingers through his hair, and his eyes close.

"Don't do that," he breathes, and I immediately take my hands away. He quickly grabs them, and his eyes open, locking on mine. "Don't do that, unless you're purposely trying to turn me on."

I blush, and look away. "Oh." He chuckles and kisses my hands.

"Go back to what you were doing. I'll see you hopefully before Monday, but definitely Monday to help you move."

"Okay." I smile, kissing him softly.

"I love you, princess," he whispers, placing a kiss on my forehead. My smile widens, and he smiles too, then he walks back to his mustang.

When I get back to Dani's room, they're both watching me, waiting for me to spill what happened. "So?" Kira asks eagerly.

"He loves me." I can't help the huge smile on my face. They both scream and attack me in a hug. I groan at the pain in my ribs, but hug them just as tight. I've never felt this loved before.

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