Stupid Word Vomit

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Song: What's Poppin' by Jack Harlow

Jake's POV

Today is Saturday, which means me and Ollie have to go track down Howie Prince, since his dad hasn't paid up. I honestly kinda, only kinda, feel bad, because he's a scrawny little nerd, but his dad should have paid what he owes.

My dad also told me I need to tell Emma how long her dad is getting in prison. Nine fucking months. What a load of fucking shit. She just now is starting to feel safe with him gone. She's always looking over her shoulder, and now, in nine fucking months, she'll be doing it again.

"Are you okay?" I look up, to see Emma leaning against my open doorway. I drop the towel I was using to run through my wet hair from my shower, taking in how amazing she looks today.

"Uh, yeah," I mutter, looking her up and down. She's wearing black sweatpants, and a gray long sleeved top. I can just see the top of her tattoo, peaking out above her sweats, where her top doesn't come down all the way. Her hair is in a messy bun, and she pulls it off incredibly well. Like holy fuck.

"Are you sure?" she asks, a small smile on her face. I'm guessing she noticed me checking her out.

"I actually need to talk to you about something. Can you come in and shut the door?" She nods, and steps into my room, shutting the door behind her.

"What's up?" she asks, sitting on my bed.

"You asked me the other day what our meeting was about." She nods, looking confused. "It was about your dad."

"What about him?" I let out a sigh, running my hand through my hair.

"He's only getting nine months for aggravated assault." She gasps at my words, her face going pale.

"Nine months? Nine months?! For making the last four years of my life a living hell?!" She's angry, and has every right to be. She's on her feet now, her hands gripping her hair.

"Emma. Emma, come here." I pull her into my arms, and hug her tightly. She fights it at first, but then hugs me back, and starts to sob into my chest. "I'm so sorry, princess."

"Why is this happening to me?" she sobs, breaking my heart.

"I don't know, baby. I don't know." I try to soothe her. Why did I call her baby? "But what I do know, is that he's never going to ever touch you again, you hear me?"

She pulls back, looking up at me. "Promise?"

"I promise." I caress her face, and kiss her forehead. "I won't let anything happen to you."

"I...," she cuts herself off, shaking her head.

"What?" She looks up at me, then looks away. "Tell me."

"I can't. I was gonna talk to you today, but I'll do it another time." She lets out a sigh, and starts walking towards the door.

I gently grab her hand, making her stop. "Emma. What's going on?"

"I... fuck." She laughs, a blush on her cheeks. "I... I really really like you. Like, could stare at your green eyes all day, laugh at your dumb jokes, get butterflies from your smile, want to spend all of my time with you, like you."

I stare at her, stunned. I didn't actually expect her to like me back. I can tell I haven't said anything in a minute, because she tries to pull away from me again. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. Stupid word vomit."

"Don't walk away from me." I pull her into me, and look at her, staring right into her eyes. But of course, right as I'm about to talk, there's a knock on my door.

"Jay man, we gotta go," Ollie says through the door. "Like now."

"Fuck." I run a hand through my hair, frustrated. "We're finishing this talk later."

"No, we're not." She sighs, and opens my door. "Hey Logan." Ollie nods at her, then looks at me as she walks away.

"Did I interrupt something?" I just glare at him.

"Fucking yeah, you did, you little shit. She told me she likes me, and before I could tell her I feel the same, you fucking knock and say we have to go, right now," I all but growl, and his eyes widen.

"Fuck. Sorry, man. Your dads in a mood, and wants us out the door in like two minutes."

"Let's fucking go, then." I grab my keys, and storm out of my room, and down the stairs. "So where the fuck is this kid, anyway?"

"He works at the movie theater. Kian said he's getting off in a few minutes, so we can catch him when he leaves," he says as we climb into my mustang.

"Great. Let's get this shit over with." I'm in a really fucking bad mood now. Emma probably thinks I fucking rejected her and don't feel the same way. I just need to get back here quick, and talk to her. 

After a few minutes, we pull up to the theater, and park. Once we see Howie walking out of the building, we hop out of my car. "Yo, Howie!"

"Jake? Logan?" He looks extremely confused, probably because I've never said I word to this kid in my entire life.

"So, my pops tells me your pops owes him some money." I grab my gun from the back of my jeans, and have it in his face within seconds.

"Wait. What?! I don't know what you're talking about!" His arms are raised, and his eyes are wide. Good. Be scared, fucker.

"Tell your dad to pay my dad, or I'm coming back for you, and I'll do more damage."

"What damage?" I pistol whip him across the head, and he falls to the ground. Ollie pushes him onto his back, and I get up in his face, with my gun between his eyes.

"He better fucking pay in the next forty-right hours. I won't say it again." I hit him again, knocking him out cold. "Let's go."

We get back into my car, and I speed back to my house. "Go get your girl, man." Ollie pats me on the back, and walks away.

I hurry up the stairs, and knock on her door. No answer. I knock again. Still no answer. Maybe she's in the shower. I push the door open, and don't see any of her stuff. What the fuck?

She's gone.

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