Wish You Were Sober

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Genelle Seldon as Danielle Caden
Song: Wish You Were Sober by Conan Gray

Thursday morning rolls around, and I notice my dads truck is still not in the driveway. Maybe he stayed out drinking the past couple days, and I won't have to see him until after the hangover wears off. He's usually a little bit nicer then. Only a little.

I leave my hair naturally wavy today, and do minimal makeup, only enough to cover any bruises. I pull on a pair of light was skinny jeans, and a long sleeved blue v-neck that makes my blue eyes pop, paired with black flats. With my phone and bag in hand, I head out of the house.

I park in my usual spot, when I get to school, and hop out of my Range Rover. My eyes immediately scan the parking lot, and they land on Jake, who's leaning against a tree, talking to his friends. Logan Oliver, and Quinton Barnes. But everyone calls them Ollie and Q.

"What are you looking at?" Kira's voice comes from next to me. I look over at her, then notice Dani next to her.

"More like who." Dee smirks, looking in the direction I previously was. "Damn, Q is so good looking."

"Girl, they all are." Kira laughs, but I know her eyes are locked on Ollie. I feel eyes on me, and look up to see Jake watching me. I quickly look away, and walk towards the school, the opposite direction of him and his group of friends.

"He's always looking at you lately," Dee teases. I roll my eyes, inputting the combination into my locker.

"Yeah, Brian Walker does too, Dee."

"You damn well know that Jake Cantelli is nothing like Brian Walker. First off, he's not a creep," Kira retorts.

"Second, he fought Brian for you. If he was like Brian, he would have joined him with taunting you, but he doesn't."

"Okay, so, he's not the worst guy. But I'm still not interested." I slam my locker shut, and walk away from them, ending the conversation.

I can't deny it felt nice to have someone fighting for me instead of with me, for once, but I can't have any feelings for him. With how my dad is, it would be entirely stupid. That's why I've never dated or had a boyfriend. I've slept around, but never let myself get attached.

"Alright class, today we're going to start back on what we were working on before Christmas break," my calculus teacher, Mrs. Rawlings, says and everyone groans. I slump my head down onto my arms that are folded on my desk.

I hate calculus with a passion.

Turning my head, I look around the room. My eyes land on Jake and Ollie, who also have this class. I let myself study Jake for a moment, before I realize he's looking back at me. I quickly sit up, and look away.

"I can't even remember what I ate yesterday. How am I supposed to remember what we were learning like a month ago?" I hear Ollie complain, and I have to hold back a laugh. Same dude.

"You can't even remember what color underwear you've got on," Jake retorts.

"Aye, fuck you, man." Ollie laughs. Jake laughs too, and it's a beautiful sound.

I turn my head slightly, looking over my shoulder, and glance back over at Jake. He's currently looking down at his desk, a smile on his face, as he and Ollie joke back and forth.

"Ti sta guardando," (She's looking at you) I hear Ollie mutter in Italian, and Jake's head lifts up. His green eyes land on me. He smiles, tapping the pencil on his desk. I wonder what Ollie said to him. His muscles in his tattoo'd arm flexing as he does so. I blush, and look away.

Next thing I know, there's a tattoo covered hand landing next to me on my desk, making me jump in my seat. A chuckle comes from behind me, and I look up to see Jake extremely close to me. He's standing next to me, then squats down to my level, his arms folded on my desk.

"Do I make you nervous, princess?" he questions, a smirk on his face.

"No. You guys just talk really loud. Everyone can hear your conversation." I roll my eyes, looking away from him. He laughs, which makes my heart race.

"You can just admit it. You were listening," he responds. I look over at him, a blank look on my face.

"You have a little too much confidence, talking to me. You think because you beat up someone for me, that I'm going to fall for you? Think again. Because for all I know, you're just like Walker. The way you watch me, and follow me. The way you're always there now. I see it. I don't have time for your games. So leave me alone."

He starts to laugh, a little too loudly. Everyone turns to look at us, and I glare at them until they look away. Jake does the same thing. Everyone looks away, and our eyes lock again.

"We work well together, sweetheart." He smiles, and goes back to his seat.

All throughout the day, every class I've had Jake in, I've felt his eyes on me. Like he's studying me, figuring out what nobody else has. And that's another reason to not get too close. I don't need him finding out what happens at home. If he felt the need to 'handle' things with Brian, imagine what he'd do about my dad.

When I get home, I see my dads truck in the driveway. I take a deep breath, and step into the house. I hear things crashing around, and him yelling and cussing upstairs. I slowly make my way up the stairs, and find him trashing my room.

"Dad?" I question, and he turns to glare at me.

"Where's that money your mom always sends you?" he asks, going through my drawers.

"She stopped sending me money a while ago," I lie.

"Then where's the money she sent you before?" he snaps, throwing my makeup everywhere, most of it in glass bottles breaking.

"In your savings account." I have a separate one, but I also put money in his since he has issues keeping a job. I dig through my wallet, and hand him the debit card for the account. He snatches it out of my hand, and shoves it into his pocket.

He grabs me by my throat, and slams me into the wall, making my vision blurry. "You tell your mom anything about this, you'll get worse than I've given you." Then he tightens his hold on my throat and punches me in the face repeatedly. He finally removes his hand and I sink to the floor, gasping for breath and trying to get my vision to return to normal.

He leaves my room, and my eyes take in the mess. He's destroyed majority of my things, including my makeup, that I use to cover up the bruises. I feel blood running down my face, and step in front of my now broken mirror. There's bloody cuts on my eyebrow, and my lip, and blood coming out of my nose and mouth. My breathing is barely back to normal, and there's bruises forming on my neck. What the fuck am I supposed to cover them with now?

I hear his car peel out of the driveway, and let out a relieved sigh. Hopefully he's gone for the night. I look down at my clothes, and see the blood is staining my shirt. I let out a sigh, getting ready to take a shower and clean myself up.

There's a knock on the front door, then another. Shit. I can't open the door looking like this! It's probably my dad coming back for something. They  continues to knock, so they know someone is home. I hurry down the stairs as the person keeps knocking.

I open the door, revealing Jake.

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