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When Christopher had condemned the transplant to an A Grade success Midweek later, relief and exhilaration surged in pace that Althea couldn't keep up with. She though was exalted at the prosperity, but appearing genuine with what she felt along with what had been keeping her late through the nights had been futile.

She was exhausted, her days cynical without an answer to what she had come across. Quizzical to what was hidden and little to none theoretical of how to get to its depth.

Christopher- that man climbed her scale of options among the only few people she might find a company or answers from.

The other and last was U.

And she couldn't even look at him without the dread of paranoia and betrayal crawling by her spine. In a snap he resembled the stranger ran over seven months ago. And then- she detested her entire timeline of being so blind to a much dangerous possibility. Each warning from Ji-Hyun- each of his own unpredictable reckless desires, each of his hideous persona and each of her own stupidity had led her to sweep the whole apartment for some kind of clue, doing her fair search before U got released from his recovery.

He had been living with her for more than a half a year, there must be a glitch left behind to aid Althea's nerve wrecking thoughts- and when she found one, there just wasn't anything else left to do but curse under her breath.

She wasn't safe for him.

She wasn't safe with him.

It's something that kept playing as she surfed through more of his belongings. Though could find nothing more- though not related with his link with Dr. Neil Smith, it had been crystally evident that he had been constructing and executing his own plans in to Althea's world.

Her heart clenched in anger as she picked her phone up to read the text Christopher had sent her.

Dr. Reed 02.09PM

He can safe discharge today. He did a head stand to prove me that he is doing great and insisted I ask you to pick him up.

She sat lax by the ground running a hand through her hair. Did she wanted him there anymore?

"Fuck" she whispered painfully.

Althea 02.11PM

I am busy.

Her text was replied sooner than she would've liked.

Dr.Reed 02.12PM

It's fine. I'll drop him. Have a good day Miss Davies.

She stared stapled to the screen, then she gritted her teeth as she got on her feet. She wasn't going to be here when he comes. She needed more time and space to think, so what was better than a useless treatment in spa to look like a person that U wouldn't mold on her behalf.

To look like someone who wouldn't be so naïve to his spell.

When the hairdresser had asked Althea of her preference and inspiration behind wanting to dye her hair- Althea revealed her raw intentions in a blink. It was so quick and on point that it even scared her of What she was becoming.

"A shade that's fierce yet serene. A blonde - like a lioness" her eyes met her through the reflection as the lady spreads the silver salon cape on Althea, a sly smile on her face

"Revenge on Ex?"

Althea looked at her nervously chapped nails, dead skin peeling of some sides like her once pure view of life. She meets her gaze with dazzling confidence.

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