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The atmosphere became serene after the fit of fiasco they had. A muffled assurance from Chris and an unknown security personnel had promised help at its earliest. Half an hour had gone by, U and Althea sat side by side, shoulder to shoulder and calm to panic.

Which emotion belonged to whom need not require an explanation.

But dire stations has critical tendency of morphing the situation to peace.

Altheas panic soon dissolved to discomfort , the nothingness caused U to remove his shoes and stretch his fingers in boredom. He wasn't that fond of leg accessories for he had lived his entire life in a room with breathing toes.

Althea hesitantly had turned the lights ON in her phone. So she could keep tabs on what U did or tried to do. They hadn't exchanged a word since the time U had asked her to not cry.

In the most- indecipherable manner as Althea kept reeling back to days spent with him.

"Quit overthinking"

U's bold tone cuts through the silence like a butter would through a knife. When Althea inspected his face, he still was playing with the laces of his shoes. Braiding and unbraiding it randomly.

"You don't know what I was thinking. It's not like you can read my mind" Althea snappily sonants, a U momentarily ceases knotting the treads.

"I can read your face" at that Althea raised a brow at the back of his- handsome head. Wrinkling her nose at how U arrogant U was to her, when in reality he was stating the truth.

"You are not even looking at me"

U barely batted an eye as he lapsed through-

"I know you enough"

That shuts her up, as he wanted her to. Her presence in a capsule with him was doing things abnormal to him. He had figured out the attraction he had towards Althea. For god sake he was too intelligent to deny his psychological proceedings.

He just wasn't willing to react to it for it might end up scaring Althea for she was so easily effected even if he breathed near her.

As he said so earlier- he knows her enough.

Althea picked up her phone and began scrolling through her list of saved movies. She circled it on wonder woman. When the credits rolled in she shifted, straightenting and crossing her legs and resting her back to the rampart.

Five minutes into the film she became aware of the man discreetly peeking at the screen next to her.

Holding in a smile she held the mobile farther so they both could see. U took the que and shuffled closer to her. Their shoulders touched softly as they got sucked into the valiant world. Fifteen minutes for the end was the countdown when Althea's battery called it a day. It died as Althea sighed with a yawn.

It was darker than before, but nothing Althea wasn't anxious about.

Except for the silence.

"Say something" she blurted as U frowned, staring straight ahead.

"Say what?" he mused as Althea adjusted the pink cap on her head.

"Anything. I'll go back to hating you once we are free" she retorts "But as of now, I need something to kill the time so I won't go crazy"

U would never ever in hundred years of life will give into the silly demands of a girl. But he did as he innocently spoke about the subject that was keen to him.

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