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The note.

Like before Chris had slipped the un said warnings in the pocket of the shirt worn by U. And similar like last wise he had found it there. Had read it thrice since morning and failed equal times to grasp the importance behind it.

He attempted once more.

Though I know what you are going through, I don't sympathize because it won't make any difference. You won't feel better with some verbal support like all of us do. You are different, but the lines will blur soon. It has already begun. Let us help you, let Miss Davies take care of you. Althea is a kind girl, though you won't be able to feel now, one day you'll accomplish a taste that we call it gratefulness towards her. she may look stupid, but she had lived this life longer than you.

Let her help.

And help her with what you learned so far. It's the basic trade of how the civilization functions. Trust me, helping is also learning. You will learn to become human, because to deserve to be one.

Best of luck my boy. You can do this.

-Dr. Christopher Reed

One week later he still found himself going through those lines, one by one. More crucial than the last. He was recovering, almost recovered from his previous collapse enough to wait every night for Althea to come back home while he pretended to sleep. every night dotting down the way she would adjust the duvet on his frame, check if he had taken the medicine, make him break fast the morning and storing the lunch by the oven which he twice over heated to see just how much it was reliable.

He would do it all discreetly.

Was that help?

He finds himself questioning.

What she does for him was help indeed.

But what he does for her was-

"What word comes to your mind first when you see this shirt?" he stops from reeling over the old polaroid camera that he found in the dresser two days ago, the one that Althea had gave it to him so he had a new toy to play with. so far he had three pics taken from it. One of his hand and two of the couch in living area.

His eyes gives the green floral sleeveless shirt of Althea's a good once over as she excitedly awaits.


Her shoulder slouches as she walks back to the wash room. Then returns with a short dress shirt and yellow boots, smiling down satisfied when she heard a flash going off.

It was U who had taken his first ever picture of human in his camera. The screech was heard and a minute later, the lip slipped the image out which he waved a couple of time in air until it cleared.

It was then he realized that the dress she wore showed her mid thighs and knees. He had never seen them, Althea either was covered to her neck in winter clothes or under the comforter when she sleeps at night. It was almost a surprise to see the skin of her legs. But it was a burstling sunny day in England. And there was no way she was giving up the opportunity since it was Sunday.

It was shopping day for her.

Though not for herself, but atleast the gift card would make her seem less broke despite she was sure of entirely using it on U.

"What about this? What word?" she wiggles her brows ignoring how U lifted his hooded eyes from the picture, they land on her boots then legs and then boots.

"Minions and simpsons"

A wheezing scoff leaves her lips.

Maybe it was a mistake to introduce him to the internet.

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