Top 10 reasons why it's good to be tall

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So, I've already gone through top ten reasons why it sucks to be tall, and I feel it is only fair to look on the 'brighter side' of things. Or, if you really want the truth, my friend, otherwise known as the BSG (Big Smelly Giant), demands for a brighter side. Simply: I'm forced to do this.

1. Got bad roots? Got dandruffs? It doesn't matter! No one can see that high... Apart from taller people. But don't worry. Wear a hat. 

Don't I make life easier for you?

2. Taller people can generally eat more. The food doesn't sit in one place, it can spread out in a 5'11 body. (Good enough for you, BSG?)

By the way, I have no scientific evidence to back any of this up. Oh and my IQ is the same as a fence post. Just saying.

3. According to statistics, taller people make more money. I know you're wondering where I got this from... Google. I got it from Google.

4. You're less likely to get attacked by a man on the street 'cos he'll feel intimidated by you. High five there!

5. You're more self sufficient in a supermarket. You don't need to ask anyone to help you 'cos you can reach the shelf all by yourself. Double high five!

... On to the next one!

6. Apparently, tall people live longer.

Okay, I'm not one hundred pencent convinced about the site I've got that information from, but I'm gonna go with it.

7. If you lose someone from a crowd, you're not gonna lose them for long.

*Scans area full of midgets* Yep! I can see you!

8. You get an awesome view at a theatre. Maybe not the person behind you... but you do. :-)

9. You're pretty much automatically in the athletics club at school. You were born to do high jumps.

10. You're memorable... as that really tall person, but memorable all the same.

To sum up; you outlive short people, you can have dandruffs and no one knows, and apparently you're gonna be richer. So, all in all, it's not that bad to be tall.

Wow, that rhymed. I should be a poet.

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