Top 10 lies that boys tell their girlfriends!

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Boys. Never. Lie. They always tell the truth...

Yeah right!

Here are the top ten lies that boys regularly tell their girlfriends:

1. "I will never make you cry,"

(Couple sitting together. Boy is listening to music with earphones on) 

Girl: I love you. 

Boy: (removes earplug) Huh, what? Did you say something? 

(Girl looks away, hurt) 

Boy: (confused) What did I do? 

Girl: (wipes away a tear) You're supposed to say "I love you too"

2. "Go ahead honey, I'm listening,"

(Boy goes off to his 'Nothing world' while his girlfriend chats animatedly) 

Girl: (casually) So, yeah, I was thinking we should rent a chick flick tonight - don't you agree? 

Boyfriend: (nods head slowly) Uh-huh... 

Girl: (angrily) I knew it! You weren't paying attention! 

Boy: (snaps out of thoughts) Huh, what? What do you mean I'm not paying attention? You were talking, um, about that thing that you, er, did with that other thing.  

Girl: (calmly) We're watching a chick flick tonight - you agreed. 

Boy: What!?! (Faints)  

Girl: (laughs evilly) MWHAHAHAHA!

... Okay, so I got a bit carried away there. Anyway...

3. "You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen,"

Apart from Miranda Core, Selena Gomez, Connie D'Amico, Obama, (what?) and probably another hundred chicks. What he really means when he says this is you're the prettiest girl he's seen in the last ten minutes or so. Either that, or you are genuinely smoking hot.

4. "I think about us all the time,"

When he says all the time, he doesn't mean all the time. In fact, he hardly thinks about you because he knows you think so much that it's enough for both sides. Let's face it, it'll be creepy if we think about each other all the time.

Boy: (dreamily) Diana... Oh Diana... Dia... Diablo 3

5. "I don't find sexist jokes funny,"

Just like he's wondering why you're not in the kitchen. Sandwiches don't make themselves, y'know.

6. "Your parents are great,"

Lemme just put it this way, it's not every day that parents of a lovely daughter will smile kindly at the boy who is trying to take her away. So, unless you have the most understanding parents in the world, your boyfriend is really actually thinking, "Why do they look like they want to kill me?"

7. "I'm nearly there," (I dare you not to think dirty...)

(Girl and boy talking on the phone) 

Girl: Where are you? You said that you were coming over! 

Boy: (playing computer game) Yeah, yeah, I'm nearly there. I'm just in a bit of a traffic, that's all.  

Girl: What's that sound? That doesn't sound like traffic. 

Boy: Oh, there's just some roadwork going on.

8. "Of course I noticed your new haircut. It looks good,"

Girls, you can have fun with this one. The next time you see your boyfriend, tell him you had a haircut even though you didn't. See what he says. Lots of guys will fall for this one.

9. "I've missed you so much,"

Like seriously, like you wouldn't believe, there's so much to tell you!  

Yeah... Even though you guys talked on the phone half an hour ago.

10. "I trust you,"

But no, he wouldn't give you his credit card because he 'lost' it.

And there you have it! The top ten lies boys tell their girlfriends. Oh, and by the way, girls NEVER lie to their boyfriends... Ever. ;)

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