Top 10 tips to survive high school

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High school is tough. There's lots to do, lots to learn, friends to make and idiots to avoid. Who says it isn't stressful? But with the right advice, you should be able to survive high school. And here's how:

1. Be organised. How are you supposed to learn anything if you forget your books, forget what time it is or forget that you have to go to school. Pull yourself together and learn some shiz! Or don't learn anything and be a dumbass for life. Up to you.

2. Don't do drugs. If you didn't already know - Drugs. Are. Bad. They destroy your body, including the most important part of your brain. (I guess if your brain doesn't work in the first place, then it really doesn't matter!) Unless you want to grow up to be a druggie, stay away from drugs and stay away from douches who have drugs.

3. Deal with bullying. Bullies just don't exist in the movies, they're everywhere in real life - especially in the school yards. The worst thing you can do when you're being bullied is do nothing. This likely only makes it worse. So deal with it as soon as possible. I'd recommend talking to a teacher who you think is trustworthy and who is not afraid to do something about it in your behalf. Sadly, if it's the teacher who's bullying you or sexually harassing you, call the police. Unless the teacher is hot. Then, well, it's not really harassment, more like sexually enjoyable.

No, wait... Um, forget I said that.

4. Balance work and play. While some teachers and parents might argue that academic studies are more important than social development, both are equally important. You can't really ditch one for the other. If you only ever focused on your studies then you'd become socially awkward. If you only ever focused on parties, you'd be flipping bogus when your friends buy their first house. So, they key is: balance.

5. Look after your personal hygiene. As you hit puberty, you're gonna start smelling like off-cheese. So, make sure you shower every day and wear deodorant. Otherwise, you can't even blame your friends for avoiding you... Like the plague.

6. Be nice to your teachers. Being nice just means to be polite and co-operative in order to get away with the late assignments, or the occasional odd detentions you 'forgot' to attend. Being nice does not mean sucking up to the teacher and trying to be their pet. This will not only make the teacher feel uncomfortable, but also make your classmates hate you.

7. Choose your friends wisely. Being with friends is probably one of things you'll do most in high school, so of course it's important to pick them well. Rouding yourself with funny, hardworking, intelligent friends will inspire you. It will open your mind. It will exhilarate your... creativity? I dunno! They'll just inspire you. Being around shallow hoes or lady pranksters will distract you all the time in class because they won't want you learning anything either. So yeah... You'll become just like 'em.

8. Don't burn your bridges. Although it's important to choose your company, don't judge people. Don't insult people because you think you're better than them. Someday, you might need their help... So, be careful. As they say (who?), "Think before you speak and act."

9. Relax. Now, I know I said before that school can be stressful, and it is, but it's just school. If you don't achieve an A* in an exam, calm down. Breathe. Nobody died. Nobody gives a crap anyway... Unless you have Asian parents. "You got B+! That's no good. Imma f***ing kill you!"

Or, don't go the other way either. I'm not telling you to be extremely relaxed and fail all subjects, then be like, "Aw, yeah... It's all good, man... It's all good. I'm on the magic mushrooms."

10. Don't be a slut. Now, I mean this in the nicest possible way. I'm saying this to both guys and girls. Don't be so obsessed about sex. You're way too young. Wait until you get older, then obsess over it.


The last thing you need is to get pressured into something you might regret for the rest of your life. And then get emotionally f***ed up!

Aids, pregnancy and aids...

You'll have plenty of opportunities for the right sort of love-making when you're older. So, don't rush into things. Enjoy your childhood while you still can 'cos time is flying fast!

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