Top 10 reasons guys are strange

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Guys are strange... And here's the top ten reasons why: 

1. Wearing trousers below their knees, thinking they're a bit too cool for school. I think it's best it stays at school. 

(Guy comes out with his trousers below his knees. His sister runs into him) 

Sister: Oops, sorry... um, your trousers are down. 

Guy: Er, yeah. 

(He picks them up, but when she leaves, he puts them back down.)

2. Boobs. No matter if they're getting some at home, their little eyes will light up at the opportunity to sneak a peak at a set - even when they're sleeping. 

(Guy sleeping next to his wife) 

Guy: (Mutters) One boob... Two boobs... Three boobs... 

(He reaches over to touch his wife.) 

3. Balls. They're attached to you, right? You'd probably know if they went missing, yet you find it necessary to check up on them from time to time. 

(Guy walks up the stairs and pauses to touch himself. He seems frantic but then lets out a sigh of relief.) 

4. Guys love the chase but often when they get the girl, they lose interest. 

(Guy chases girl. Girl comes to a stop)

Girl: Fine! You can have me! 

Guy: Yeah... not really. I'm out. Peace!

5. You know those guys that wear headphones and try to look all mellow and cool? Well, if you really want us to think you're cool, then maybe you shouldn't play your music so loud so that others can hear what you're listening to. 

Just a tip. 

6. Making comments when girls walk by. There is a reason why we don't stop and talk to you. 

(Guy watches girl as she walks by) 

Guy: (Wolf-whistles) Boobies!

 7. Boys and their toys. Now you'd think that at the age of twenty, they'd outgrown their video games... Don't get me wrong, I like video games but I can stop if I wanted to and I can tell the difference between real life and computer life.

(Guy and girl playing video games together. Guy keeps pushing onto girl)

Girl: Chill! It's just a game... Gosh.

Guy: (punches the air) Winner! Champion!  Fetch me a drink to celebrate! 

8. Not texting or calling back. This has frustrated so many girls for a long period of time. How can you just read a message on your phone and put your phone down? 

(Guy playing with himself when phone beeps) 

Guy: (Reads) I miss you. Call me. 

(He continues with himself) 

9. Why do guys always want us to do this? 

Guy: Come on! Hit me! 

Girl: Are you sure?

Guy: Yes! Hit me as hard as you can!

... But then regret it?  

(She punches him) 

Guy: (Crying) Ow! Why did you hit me so bloody hard? 

10. Guys love to quote from movies for some reason. 

Girl: Hey, can I borrow some money? 

(Guy gives money) 

Guy: Keep the change, you filthy animal. 

(Guy and girl cuddling on couch. Guy gets up) 

Girl: Hey, where are you going? 

Guy: Going to piss. 

Girl: Oh... okay. 

Guy: I'll be back. 

Girl: Can you make me some tea? 

Guy: You talking to me? You talking to me?! 

Guys are strange, but are they strange-er than girls? I guess we'll see, won't we? 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2013 ⏰

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