Top 10 things guys like about girls

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The title says it all. And here they are: 

1. Guys like girls who aren't clingy. 

If you're the sort of girl who texts your man every ten minutes just to say, "Aw, I miss you honey. Do you miss me?" - Stop it. This will likely annoy him and cause him to think that you have nothing better to do than seek attention. Desperation is a big turn off for guys. 

 2. Guys like girls who appreciate them. 

Now, I know guys aren't the most emotionally sensitive of... creatures, but when they try to do something nice for you, appreciate it 'cos it's the thought that counts, right? Besides, no one likes girls who are b!tchy. 

3. Guys like girls who don't drench themselves in perfume. 

Girls, this does not mean that a guy will be more attracted to you if you purposely don't shower for two days. But it does mean that a subtle fragrance is better than an over-poweringly sweet smell. 

4. Guys like girls who don't go overboard with make-up. 

Compared to guys faces, girls put them to shame - even without make-up. Guys understand that sometimes a girl wants to glam up a bit, to work those eyelashes or whatever, but they'd rather you look like you, instead of a vampire. 

5. Guys like girls who are good at doing something besides... looking good. 

Chicks who are really good at something, like; singing, dancing, kickboxing, playing the cello or surfing - it just makes you kick ass. And therefore, badass (which is extremely hot!) 

So, go out there and have fun at getting good at something instead of waiting for a guy, 'cos if that's your goal... It's kinda sad. 

6. Guys like girls who aren't stuck up. 

Now, for guys, it's not easy going over to a girl and talking to her. If she's all like, "Oh my god! Ew, ew, ew! Get away!" - Then the attraction level goes straight to freaking zero. At least give guys a few seconds to see if you find their company enjoyable. 

7. Guys like girls with curves. 

This one is no secret. Which straight guy doesn't like boobs and booty? So, if anything, eat well and exercise. Don't starve yourselves until your stick thin. After all, a thin body is not always a great body. And having a great body is not only good for your health, but it's also good for your self-esteem. 

Then again, don't overdo it 'cos big girls, like really obese and muscular, are just... Bleeuugghhh...

8. Guys like girls who can keep secrets. 

If you have an argument with your man, don't go b!tching to your stupid friends. Don't facebook it for the world to see. Not letting everyone know everything protects you and your man. If after a serious talk and things don't get better, talk to your parents, or a councellor - or just break up. 

Also, changing your status on Facebook from in a relationship to single doesn't help. It doesn't solve the problem at all. 

... Yeah, I talk about Facebook a lot. There's just soo many stupid stuffs going on! It's insane. 

9. Guys like girls who are slightly mysterious. 

Guys will never admit to this one, but they secretly like it when girls flirt and play slightly hard to get because they love the thrill of the chase.

Don't be easy. On your first date, don't tell your life story. And don't show anything more than a bit of cleavage. A little mystery shows you're intelligent, classy and confident. I can almost guarantee your man will found you that much more irresistible.


10. Guys like girls who can take a joke. 

Seriously, not being able to take a joke is probably the single most unattractive quality a girl could have. A girl who can't take a joke is usually uptight and difficult to get along with. So, lighten up. Relax. Have a laugh. Nobody's perfect - not even you. The quicker you come to terms with that, the nicer it'll be to hang out with you. 

And on that note, thanks for reading. You're awesome! 

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