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You'd better be taking care of yourself. Grab a drink and a snack, or take a nap if you need it. ily, bitch. Now, enjoy the chapter (:

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"We're going to take care of her here at UA," Aizawa told him, gesturing towards where Eri sat on the olive-green sofa. "But I suppose you expected that."

"Doesn't make me any less excited!" Izuku exclaimed, wiggling in place and beaming so wide his face hurt. "I'm really happy to see you again, Eri-chan!"

Eri was smiling back at him, wearing a cute pale blue gown. Hado was tying her hair into low pigtails with a look of utmost concentration. Mirio was in casual clothes and stood behind the sofa, posing with his arms spread. To one side, Amajiki was watching his friend with an impassive face, but when he sensed Izuku glance his way he tensed up and hesitantly offered a small smile, then turned away.

"Oh, Mirio-senpai, I meant to say-" Izuku rocked forwards onto his toes- "you can tell Hado-senpai and Amajiki-senpai about my whole... thing. I was too worried about how you'd react to say it was okay at the time, sorry – but I don't want you to feel bad about keeping a secret, so, uh – yeah! You can tell them! I've told most of my friends, so it wouldn't be fair if you couldn't, right?" He paused, wrinkling his nose and casting his gaze downwards. "That speech was a disaster. Did that make any sense...?"

"Made sense to me!" Mirio confirmed, twisting around to rest his elbow on the sofa's backrest, then propped up his head. "Izuku-kun's from the future! Isn't that cool?"

Hado sat up straighter, repeatedly poking at his forehead whilst he grinned. "Hey, hey, really? The future? You're not messing with us?"

"Nope! Sir even verified it!" He assured, glancing over to the boy, with bright blue eyes. "It's really cool to know you turn out to be such an awesome hero, Izuku-kun!"

"You can call me Izuku, too, if you want," Izuku told his seniors as he stepped forwards.

"Yay, that's so cute! Call me Nejire! That means we're friends, right? Right?"

"Right!" Izuku agreed with a laugh, reaching out and picking up Eri, holding her close to his chest.

"First names..." Amajiki whispered anxiously, turning around and planting his forehead against the wall.

Mirio stood up and patted his back supportively. "You don't have to be afraid of Izuku-kun!"

"Yeah, Deku-kun's the nicest," Ochako piped up, stepping forwards to beam at Eri. "Hi again, Eri-chan!"

"You remind me of my little sister," Tsu commented, leaning next to her friend. "Welcome."

"Thank you," Eri responded softly, grabbing a fistful of Izuku's shirt and smiling.

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