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Izuku spent another boring day in the hospital

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Izuku spent another boring day in the hospital. His friends were worried about him after he disappeared in the crowds and then didn't return to them later, but he just responded to their concerned texts before shutting off his phone and laying back on the bed, staring at the ceiling with a lot to think about.

He went home in the afternoon, and his mother greeted him nervously at the door, cautiously mentioning a few sentences about All Might's fight, and how lucky it was that Oni was there. Izuku didn't have the energy to talk with her and instead squeezed her in a brief hug before going to his room and face-planting into his pillow and taking out his phone. The wallpaper was still the selfie he took of him and his mentor, all those months ago, and it was enough to bring a tired smile to his lips.

All the top stories were about the fight, and he scrolled through them anxiously, reading every line with reverence. His heart stuttered whenever Oni was mentioned, but it seemed no-one had managed to unveil his real identity, and most of what they covered was speculation and quotes from bystanders who had seen him fight alongside Eraserhead before. Most of the articles were focused more around the reveal of All Might's true form, since he was much more of a big deal than some unknown underground hero, which was somewhat of a relief. He dozed off with his phone still in his grasp.

Izuku jolted awake from a text and immediately threw himself out of bed, sprinting out the front door and not stopping until he was down on Dagoba Beach. He ran towards his mentor excitedly, only to tense up as he saw a bandaged fist shooting for his face, which he suddenly dropped to avoid with an offended squeak.

"Not this time, Toshi-san!" He exclaimed triumphantly, only for a hand to chop down on his head and knock him into the sand.

"What you did was stupid and reckless. You could've died," Toshinori snapped, glaring downwards. "Jeez, who do you take after?"

The boy sat up slowly, a palm pressed into the grit and another rubbing at the crown of his head. "You, apparently," he muttered mutinously, before looking up with distress marring his features. "You could've died too, you know."

Toshinori's expression softened marginally. "I won't be able to fight much anymore; it won't be long before I retire. I know you're more powerful than most your age, and have experience beyond your years, but... Please, stop throwing yourself into danger. You've spent far more time in hospital over the past few months than any person should in their entire life. So, from here on out..." He crouched down, curling an arm over the boy's shoulder and cradling his head. "I'll spend a lot more time raising you. I'll try my best to teach you right from wrong, and try to get it through that thick skull of yours that you shouldn't have to hurt yourself to save others." Izuku gave a wet chuckle, dipping his face into his mentor's chest and lightly placing his hands on the man's curved back. "Let's keep... working hard together."

The boy paused after a few, comfortable moments, leaning back just enough to take his phone out of his pocket. He snuggled back into Toshinori, both of them sitting on the sand, and raised the device in front of them, immortalising a new memory on his screen. They both had tear-stained faces with half their bodies wrapped in bandages, but their smiles were wide and genuine with adoration and joy as they beamed up at the camera, illuminated silver in the glow of the rising moon.

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