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The rain poured down heavily, splashing off the pavement and flicking onto Izuku's trousers with every step

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The rain poured down heavily, splashing off the pavement and flicking onto Izuku's trousers with every step. He trudged up the hill towards school, fingers clasped around the curved handle of a black umbrella, mostly sheltered from the rain.

"Good morning, Midoriya-kun!" Iida called, sprinting towards him with all the energy in the world, wearing a pea-green poncho with the hood cinched tightly around his angular face. "Why are you walking so slowly? You're going to be late!"

Izuku picked up the pace, jogging after him and only slowing when they entered the school. That twist of guilt returned with a vengeance in his gut, even if All Might himself had mentioned that Tensei had a chance of recovering - he'd still been attacked, and that was awful. Iida was quick to place his rainboots into his locker, unzipping his coat.

"Iida-kun, um..."

"If it's about my brother, there is no need to worry." His tone was a little sharper than usual, tersely polite, and his expression was carefully neutral as he glanced over his shoulder, pulling the hood from his head. "I apologise for worrying you needlessly."

Izuku swallowed, then nodded uncertainly. The taller boy hurried off to homeroom without another word.

Everyone was relieved to see Aizawa without bandages when he entered the classroom, brushing a thumb absent-mindedly over the new scar before informing the students that they would be picking their hero names. Izuku wasn't surprised that he had no internship offers, since all he had shown was a terrifyingly self-destructive fighting style; he just hoped that Gran Torino would choose to extend an invitation a little late, just like last time. Midnight dramatically sauntered into the classroom, hands behind her head and her hips swaying a little more than necessary. The class happily presented all their hero names, although Izuku felt a little bizarre since he already was Deku, technically.

"Actually, I've already decided!" Uraraka announced her internship choice to the little group gathered around the boy's desk. "Battle Hero: Gunhead's agency!"

"Gunhead... Oh, that's a really good idea, Uraraka-san!" Izuku praised, giving a bright smile. "Even if you want to be a hero like Thirteen, having extra fighting experience is always helpful!"

"Exactly!" She pointed at him, hopping a couple of times excitedly, causing her pleated skirt to sway around her thighs. "Fighting Bakugou-kun at the Sports Festival made me think – the stronger I get the more possibilities I'll have! If I only do what I want, I'll have a narrower perspective!"

The boy glanced across the classroom, watching as Iida placed down his paper and wrote something on it. His glasses had turned opaque under the lights, but his eyebrows were drawn together and his jaw was set tensely. Even though he knew it would happen, Izuku still felt a cold wave of dread crash over his head, knowing what such a seemingly insignificant decision would lead to. He clenched a hand into a fist on his desk, digging his fingernails into his palm and resolving to help his friend once more.

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