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You know the drill, lads: drink, snack, break, sleep, and enjoy these 10k words!

Discord server, if you're not inclined to resign to maturity:


Tenya got right back down to business once everyone had finished eating, too tense to take a proper break, which Izuku could sympathise with. "It looks like the enemy has changed from shutting us in, to trying to capture us," he muttered upon sighting the small robots, staring through the glass window into the laboratory, a subtle green light from the eerie tubing within casting across his features.

"I bet I could shock 'em," Kaminari said with a wide grin, throwing out his hands with sparks fizzing over his fingers.

Izuku shook his head, squinting into the dark room for a moment before turning back to face his friends. "They've probably been created with very few weaknesses, since this place is super secure with advanced technology. I don't think you'd be able to short-circuit them, and it's safer if we don't try, because if you hit your limit then you'll vulnerable, which is something we don't need right now."

"Oh, you're right," he muttered, briefly looking dejected before perking up. "So, we brute-force our way through, then-" He blinked, confused. "...then what?"

"We continue climbing to higher floors," Jirou told him with a roll of her eyes.

"Ah, man, seriously? Alright..."

They all shared a final glance before bursting through the doors. Yaoyorozu made smoke bombs with particulates that jammed the robots' signals, handing them out to the girls who flung them across the walkway until the entire area was dimmed with glittering smoke. Izuku summoned 30% of his Quirk, sprinting forwards then twisting to throw a heavy punch, utilising the wind pressure more than anything else to fling the robots off the platform. Tenya dashed up behind him, slipping by with ease and swinging a leg out in a powerful kick that sent another wave of the enemies flying. Kacchan blasted a handful away, although Izuku noticed that he was keeping his explosions smaller than usual, presumably to lessen the strain on his arms. Jirou stuck an earphone jack into the floor to work out where the robots were coming from, letting Shouto fling up a barricade of ice to prevent any more from approaching whilst the he teens to hurried in the other direction to safely escape the room.

A server room was present on the hundred-and-thirty-eighth floor, which they were quick to head through. Izuku slowed down as he noticed the doors on the other side of the room, causing his friends to automatically follow his lead. Kacchan glared at him questioningly, only to whip around to look at the doors as they parted, revealing a terrifying horde of robots waiting to attack.

"Alright, let's break them!" Kirishima exclaimed, sharp teeth bared in a grin as he slammed his Quirked fists together.

"Wait!" Melissa said suddenly, blue eyes wide and worried. "If the servers here are damaged, it might affect the security system, too!"

Yaoyorozu gained a stern look of determination. "We'll stop the security machines here."

Tenya stepped forward, getting into a fighting stance. "Izuku-kun, take Melissa-san and find a different route!"

"Okay," Izuku agreed, despite his reluctance. "Kacchan, Shouto-kun, and Uraraka-san – come with us, please!"

He removed the belt from his waist, moving over to clip it around Yaoyorozu's abdomen whilst she busied herself making some weapons for Kaminari and Kirishima. She momentarily tensed under his touch, dark gaze flitting to him in alarm before she nodded and gave a thankful smile which he returned brightly. Shouto crouched down to cautiously ice up his friend's calves in hopes of helping him out, just like he'd done when they faced Stain. Tenya's engines burst into life and he shot forward, taking out the first line of robots. Kirishima was quick to dart in after him, Quirk activated as he carefully flung the robots back where they came from. While Shouto was instant in going to Izuku's side, Uraraka deliberated for a moment, clearly conflicted, and Kacchan looked entirely unwilling to follow his rival's orders, but it was clear by his sour expression that he realised his Quirk was too destructive to use in such a delicate room.

Ticked Off [Boku No Hero Academia]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon