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I listened to this song on repeat while writing some of this chapter – it kinda gives me Bakugou vibes

And uhh I really can't write Bakubro but,,, I sure as hell tried (':

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Katsuki let out a heavy, ragged breath. That stupid Deku might've found some way to cheat the system and get into UA, but the Quirkless bastard stood no chance in the top hero class in Japan. He turned and snapped his teeth together in a ferocious grin, watching the annoying pebble get kicked aside again and fail at another fitness test, soon to be expelled by their homeroom teacher: Katsuki couldn't wait.

The round-faced girl seemed particularly supportive of Deku, her big brown eyes gleaming and a smile tugging at her lips, even as she paused after another test to clutch at her stomach queasily. She was far too cheerful, even when competitive. All the useless extras were starting to slow down towards the middle of the test, looking ill from Quirk overuse or otherwise tired from the brutal work-out. Katsuki was clearly the best out of all of them, even that half-n-half fucker who acted like he was better than everyone- but whatever. A challenge would make his inevitable victory all the more satisfying.

Deku stepped up to the plate, trembling slightly, his head hung low. Good. There was no need for him to get any stupid ideas that he was Katsuki's equal just because of a fluke or an error. Everyone else had already gained at least one incredible result on the Quirk apprehension tests, with Katsuki himself notably near or at the top on every single one, and that Quirkless dumbass stood no chance. Deku reeled back an arm and Katsuki clicked his tongue, almost embarrassed for that waste of space.

Aizawa erased his Quirk, tired eyes glinting red and black hair rising off his shoulders. Katsuki had to admit that he was impressed: it would be interesting to learn from an underground hero with such a useful Quirk. His crimson glower shifted back to Deku, only to pause, because... was that blood trailing down his arm? What the fuck?

Deku stilled within the capture gear, his forearm pressed to his side and concealed from view, and when he stumbled back to the plate his hand was firmly clasped over his skin. Aizawa must've spooked him if the bastard looked like he was in a daze, staring down at the ball with a vacant, confused expression. He raised his head and glanced over at the class, green eyes oddly hazy and unfocused, and the expression he wore was... foreign. Katsuki bit back a snarl.

Tension rippled across the Quirkless fuck's form before he straightened up, cautiously flexing out his arm that was definitely cut somehow before transferring the ball to his other hand. He reeled back his arm and – the fuck? What the fuck? Why the fuck was he glittering green with small flashes of lightning like some kind of shitty Thor?

He flung the ball forwards, and there was an explosion of pressure. Wind tore across the field, forcing all the dumb extras to draw back and try to steady themselves against the gale. Katsuki squinted through watering eyes: even Aizawa had to shift a foot back and hide his face to counteract the sheer power behind the throw. That... that Deku was merely staring after the ball, nothing in his posture conveying surprise or alarm or even fear, as if what he'd just achieved was totally normal and hadn't shaken up Katsuki's entire world, because what the fuck? Why did that shitty, useless, pathetic Deku suddenly have a Quirk? Was he lying all those years for attention or some shit?

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