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Guess who's been reading too many Good Omens fanfics and had to physically wrangle her writing style to try and stop it from reflecting That Style but fail miserably regardless-

Anyway uh. It's Izuku's birthday so I thought "okay so birthdays... cakes... satou. cool, neat, a chapter from the perspective of a character who has made No Impression on me, let's do this."

Take care of yourselves. Go to sleep if it's late. Eat/drink if you haven't in a while. Take a break if you've been working for too long. ily <33

Discord server, iffff,,, you've also sauntered vaguely into Good Omens hell- uh, heaven- uh, somewhere and want some friends to scream about it with:


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Satou Rikidou didn't necessarily stress-bake, per se; he just tended to find himself inclined to bake more when things were hectic. There were few downsides to baking with enough frequency that he could easily create many delicious desserts without even needing to measure the ingredients, but, well, he supposed that at least one downside was the fact that he tended to bake to match the level of unease, which could strike at any time.

For instance, at midnight, now surrounded by inordinate amounts of uiro that was probably enough sugar to end any normal person, let alone someone with a sugar-fueled Quirk.

Rikidou stared mournfully at another batch of the steamed cakes as he took it out of the microwave, transferring it into the mini-fridge under the countertop to cool and removing another batch, then placing it on the counter. He grabbed a knife and set about cutting the uiro into shapes, mostly triangles and rectangles, but with the occasional star or wonky animal attempt sprinkled in as the tired delirium settled over his mind. Another problem arose when he realised that he'd filled all the plates he had in his room, a display of colourful cubes piled high in elegant pyramids transitioning into vague shapes stacked precariously, emphasising the state of his mental capacity that had been dwindling dangerously over the hours.

His chocolate-brown gaze shifted to the cabinets next to the counter, where pots and pans sat temptingly behind black-tinted glass, potentially perfect containers for-

No, this was getting out of hand. The sugary scent was thick in his bedroom, and he padded over to pull aside the green curtains and crack open the door onto the balcony, just to free him from his sweet haze. Rikidou took a deep breath of fresh night air, standing in the doorway, large figure silhouetted in the yellow light filling his room.

He was just a little anxious about the upcoming work study, but a quick bake to counteract his feelings seemed to have snowballed out of control. Now, instead of fear, there was sheer dread, although for a different reason.

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