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Please, look after yourself! You deserve kindness <3

Enjoy the chapter!!

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"You're more of an issue than I expected," Chisaki's voice came from far below in the pit, but it was warped eerily.

A huge hand slammed down onto the road, throwing up dust, but not enough to cover the grotesque abomination that was heaving itself up, as if emerging from the pits of hell. It was a meaty creature with spun muscles and far too many creepy arms attached to a bare ribcage and an exposed spine. Chisaki himself was slumped over where the head would've been, everything below his torso absorbed into the mass of flesh that was shaped like the open beak of an eagle, the mask curving above his head showing that he had merged with Katsukame.

"She may be able to activate her Quirk, but she doesn't know how to stop it," Chisaki continued, straightening up and spreading his arms, gaze narrowed smugly. "That girl's Quirk is cursed. If you keep carrying her like that, you'll be annihilated."

"It wouldn't be the first time," Izuku responded with a nonchalant shrug, eyes slitted into a toxic glare. "And if you keep talking about her like that, you will be annihilated."

"No matter your power, you don't stand a chance," he growled.

Izuku merely smiled widely enough to be unsettling, keeping his whole posture eerily calm. "Are you sure? I'd imagine you're quite curious as to what happened to Nighteye-san... And, well, I bet you're wondering... 'If he can vanish an ally like that, what can he do to me?'" He stood up straighter, splaying his hands – his hands, he had two, wasn't that wonderful! - out and tilting his head. "No body. No mess. Seems like a superior version to your Quirk, right, Chisaki?"

"Don't call me that!" Chisaki snarled, looming even further over, but no amount of intimidation tactics could hide the tremor in his voice. "Hand her over! There's no way to stop her other than to disassemble her."

"Like you'd know," he snapped scornfully, lips pulling further back to display more teeth. "Have you ever tried, huh? Taken her to a Quirk specialist? No – because you just see her as an asset, not a person!"

"I'll ask once more: hand her over, or be annihilated."

Izuku glared up at the man too disgustingly human to be called a monster. "Never," he spat.

"I hope you're ready to die for this cursed girl, Deku," Chisaki hissed out.

"Eri-chan," Izuku glanced over his shoulder, softening his tone- "will you lend me your power?"

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