【 Special Episode: Sehun (UNFINISHED) 】

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(...I'm really sorry. If you couldn't already tell by the title, this work is, and will remain, unfinished. I hate leaving things in such a manner, and this marks my first time doing so, but for some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to come up with a good way to complete this one shot. Even gave myself two months, but...yeah. Also, this means that the rest of the members' episodes are cancelled, because I just don't have the right attitude and stroke of creativity at this point in time.)

There's a man at my workplace who has a scary obsession with bubble tea and his dog.

He'd consume the drink so often, it was as if it were, to him, the gods' ambrosia or something. Then of course, he'd chase away any possible chances of a relationship with his immense and low-key scary devotion to his Bichon Frise Vivi, who wined and dined like a king.

"Who's gonna take out the trash this time?" Park Chanyeol, my fellow member in the proofreading department sighed, turning off his PC. Though an attractive fellow, I really only saw him as a friend.

After striking through an error with a yellow highlighter, I capped the marker.

"Is it Sehun again?" I uttered tiredly. "Stuffing up the trashcans with bubble tea cups..."

Chanyeol smiled in amusement, though it was small. "So, you already know."

I rolled my eyes. Who else could it be?

It's not like I hate him—in fact, nobody here does. The problem is that he's difficult to approach and understand, on top of his weird interests. With all of those factors, it's turned the guy into someone who most people prefer to just avoid.

"...Not me!" Eunji, another department member suddenly called out, shaking her head. "I already did it for a whole week straight, remember?"

"Yes." both Chanyeol and I sighed.

The former then stood up, hoisting his canvas messenger bag from the ground underneath his chair onto his desk. As I looked over, I noticed a newspaper sticking out of it with the headline: Modern Royalty: High Prince Prepares For First Public Appearance.

"Hey, I didn't know you read the newspaper." I pointed out. "The cover story looks interesting."

Chanyeol paused, glancing towards where I was gesturing. "Oh, this? Yeah, actually...I really only bought this to get a free cortado at that one café."

...Of course.

At this, I laughed. "Ah, you mean the one that's associated with and sponsored by that paper? I should have known."

Chanyeol pouted at my words, hefting his bag onto his broad shoulders. "Hey, what's with that tone? It sounds like you're making fun of me..."

Before our back and forth quipping could turn into an actual argument, however, Eunji coughed.

...Okay, not really. She cleared her throat.

"Um, guys? Trash duty, remember?" she reminded. "I already did it, so not me, and it looks like Channie's gotta go, so that leaves us..."

She then pointed a finger at me. Chanyeol smiled apologetically, shrugging.

"...Tada! It's you, Jinjoo!"

𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 ✧: A Chanyeol One Shots AnthologyWhere stories live. Discover now