【 Episode 】24

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"Wow, I can't believe we're finally back! Hawaii, you're the best!" Baekhyun cheered as his eyes excitedly took in the vibrant, tropical hues of the beach, seagulls flying overhead in noisy flocks.

"Hey! Wait for us, why don't you?"

"Yeah hyung! Aish, my poor feet..."

The sound of scrambling feet and crumbling rocks cued Kai and Chen's appearance. After receiving a helping hand—not before he gloated in their faces, though—from Baekhyun, they joined him in oohing and aahing over the azure horizon. Any semblance of conversation from camera crew that was setting up down below got muted by the ocean waves. 

"Heh, I think having a photoshoot at the beach is much better than going to some shmancy hotel—people like nature-type pictures more, right?" Kai hummed, gazing at the lazily-rolling waves with a triumphant smirk on his face. His tan complexion paired well with the Hawaiian sun—it basked him in a bewitching gold radiance.

"I don't know. It's too cold for me..."

Chen tugged the lofty heaviness of his overcoat closer to his shivering frame—stubborn locks of his blonde hair waved around in the cool breeze.

Seeing this, Baekhyun grinned in amusement, giving his bandmate a playful jostle on the arm.

"I think it's a sign that you're getting old, Grandpa Jongdae." he snickered. "Soon, we're gonna need to buy some ginger candy for your refined palate!"

"...Ha ha ha." Chen uttered, unamused. He did, however, have a smile on his face. "How funny."

Suddenly, Kai removed his gaze from the waves.

"Guys, where's Chanyeol?" he asked worriedly.

Ah, thank you Kai for being the only one to notice our main character's lack of appearance.

Baekhyun and Chen shared a glance. The "Oh Holy Jesus" look on their faces said everything.

"Uh, didn't he say he was going to get water? Maybe he's collecting some at the seashore?"

"Huh? Why would he need seawater?"

"...To drink, duh. Jongdae hyung, you pabo!"

"But you can't drink it Baekhyun, since it's chock full of salt! Who are you to talk—you're the pabo!"

"Well, he can always boil it like how the people in those survival shows do! That works, doesn't it?"

"But why would he when there's a store just a couple feet away that's selling fresh and clean water for only one dollar?! Where's the logic?!"

With an exasperated look on his face, Kai stepped off to the side to wait for the dumb conflict to blow over. The moment he did, however, a lightning blur of motion flitted past his eyes. Curious, he turned.

"...Whoa! Chanyeol hyung?!"

Standing in front of the surprised male was, well, Chanyeol, his recently trimmed black locks wind-tossed and beachy-looking. He was prematurely wearing the clothes that he was required to have on for their photoshoot, though that wasn't what Kai was curious about as he approached him.

𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 ✧: A Chanyeol One Shots AnthologyWhere stories live. Discover now