【 Episode 】31

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"This place is pretty cold, isn't it? Just like back home." Chanyeol commented, his breath coming out in frosty clouds. His fellow EXO members all nodded in agreement, each pulling their jackets tighter around themselves—they were all waiting for their manager to come pick them up from the SeaTac airport's drop-off zone.

"Feels familiar." Kai smiled, his already rich skin getting cast in a golden light as a car drove past. The smell of petrichor hung in the sharp air, and the pavement was dyed black with rain.

"You two have already been here before, right?" Suho asked, addressing both him and Baekhyun, who was playing PUBG on his phone. At EXO's leader's question, however, he nodded.

"Yeah, back in February of last year," he replied, letting out a curse as he got shot, "with SuperM."

Chen bounced on his toes to keep himself warm, leaning forward on the platform to see if he could spot their manager's rental van. "I want to go see the Space Needle." he uttered excitedly. "I heard that it's really futuristic, like a space ship!"

"I saw pictures of it online. It does look cool..."

"Wasn't it created for some fair?"

"We'll have to see if there's any time for sight-seeing after our schedules."

"I want to see it too!"

"I'm pretty sure it's not that crazy."

The other guys all expressed their opinion in various ways, waving their arms around both to stay warm, and also because they were getting bored of just standing around doing nothing.

To their luck, a van shortly pulled up.

"Sorry for being late!" their manager apologized after everyone had piled in. "There was an issue with some of the paperwork..."

Chanyeol decided to zone out as Suho intervened to reassure the poor man, looking out the window as buildings and city lights whizzed by. Rain fell in sheets, creating a rhythmically calming drumming sound against the van's hood.

It's almost Christmas... he thought to himself as they entered the freeway, looking up at a digital billboard that was advertising Zoolights, a holiday lights event at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Tacoma. ...I wonder how they celebrate it here.

Suddenly, the manager gasped.

"Crap! I completely forgot to buy decorations for the Christmas party!" he wailed.

One by one, the EXO members burst forth into conversation, some trying to reassure the poor man, while others whined about how their hotel Christmas party wouldn't be as festive and fun without any appropriate decorations.

A Christmas party without any decorations...

"...I'll do it. I'll go buy the decorations."

Suddenly, Chanyeol raised his hand. Everyone immediately shut up, staring at him.

"Really?" Chen spoke up, raising a worried brow. "Are you sure? But what if you get seen by a fan?How will you get out of that?"

How will I get out...?

"Yeah." Baekhyun chimed in, his face spookily aglow with the blue light from his phone. "You're going to be in for a hard time if a fan sees you—well, it actually depends on the person, but still!"

𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 ✧: A Chanyeol One Shots AnthologyWhere stories live. Discover now