【 Episode 】23

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The sharp, earthy scent of stones and rock dust hung in the air as the periodic sound of a metallic item striking the stones clanged out a contrasting melody. Sculpting tools and big, clunky machines were littered all over the cluttered premises.

The setting was a port town in Italy, in particular a sculptor's rustic and modest-looking workshop. It was fortunate enough to be located in a busy part of the settlement only a few blocks away from the pier, which made sourcing out materials easy.

"Giulia! Have you retrieved the order of almaloy wire for me yet? The ship should've arrived today!" a deep and throaty voice barked out. An unusually loud and flat-toned metallic strike followed suit.

"Porca vacca! I hit it too hard...!"

Suddenly, a tremulous and all over the place feminine voice called out from upstairs:

"Mi dispiace, I haven't yet! I'll—I'll head on out to the pier right away, M-Mentore!"

Then, scurrying down the rickety wooden stairs was an awkward young woman with an explosion of copper hair and a splash of freckles dotting her red cheeks. She sported a petite, but sturdy build.

Looking up from where he was chipping away at a large slab of marble on an unstabilized stool was a beefy and ragged old man. With a rub of his beard, he waved dismissively at Giulia, sighing tiredly.

"Va bene, va bene." he grumbled. "But be quick."

Giulia dropped into a clumsy bow.

"Yes, mentore! I'll be right back!" she squeaked.

The cacophonous symphony of rubber soles squeaking on the polished wood flooring and croaking doors being swung open and then shut warbled through the workshop's papery walls.

"Santo cielo..."

Freeing a hand from his work to wearily rub at his brow, the old man let out a heavy sigh.

"That girl, Giulia...she has potential." he uttered to himself with dry amusement. "My only wish is that she could realize it sooner... In the meantime, I will just have to pray that she brings back the almaloy wire and not some random machine like last time."

The sharp and briny scent of the ocean interlaced with the rural scent of the bustling town square, a gentle breeze lackadaisically drifting by as vessels with flamboyant sails congregated in the cerulean ocean just a couple stone throws away. European Greenfinches hopped skillfully from tree to tree up overhead, while Hooded Crows made themselves comfy on the ground below, scavenging zealously for bits of fallen food or bullying small children.

"Ehi tu! Come check out my wares!"

"Fresh fish, fresh fish! Come have a look see~"

"Perhaps you would like a new shawl or cap? I have plenty of both—why don't you take a look?"

Giulia halfheartedly waved off the hawking street sellers, picking up her pace in hopes of making it through what the residents call "Hawkers' District." To get to the pier, one must make it through here.

𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 ✧: A Chanyeol One Shots AnthologyWhere stories live. Discover now