【 Episode 】27

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My name is Aecha. I am a set member for a photography company. I set up the backdrops for photoshoots, along with the cameras and lighting equipment. A jack of all trades, pretty much.

However, there's something...unique about me that makes me valuable to the company.

"Hey, Aecha? We're gonna need you to wriggle into the 'Enchanted Garden' set and untangle some of the cords—no one else can fit in there!"

Suppressing an annoyed sigh and stepping away from my too short of a break time, I smiled tiredly.

"Of course, Jumin."

You see, I'm a rather...small person. At just 149 cm, I'm the de facto shorty of the company.

"In I go...!"

Because of this, I'm often asked to do the dirty work, like crawling into uncomfortably cramped spaces to strategically affix motion cameras, or holding lighting and SFX equipment close to the model for up to several hours at end all because I'm too short to be caught by the cameras.

Ack! My elbows and knees! I winced, vexedly batting away fronds as I continued to slowly army crawl through the underlay of the set. It hurts...

And while it's nice to be needed, I had joined the company with childish, but also raw and beautiful dreams to become a fashion photographer, taking pictures of the world's fashion icons an A-Listers. So, to see that I've become nothing more than an eccentric form of a gofer is maddening.

"Okay...here we are." I grunted, stiltedly rising to my feet. Immediately, I was drawn to the soft and dreamy aesthetic of the "Enchanted Garden" set. Femininely European flower bushes were placed throughout the plush expanse of turf, and a pretty pink gazebo sat in the middle of it all. Floor lights made to look like fairy lights were planted all over the place, from the turf, to the flower bushes.

"Oh my goodness...!" I gasped, turning slowly to fully take in the beauty of it all. "Whoever's getting photographed today is lucky—this set's beautiful!"

Well, if I have to name one good thing about this weird job of mine, it's that I get to have incredible sets like this one to myself for a short while.

...Hey! You have to detangle some cords!

Snapping out of my blissful reverie at my brain's reminder, I let out a depressed sigh.

"Yeah, you're right." I moped.


"Oh, you're back! I knew you could do it, Aecha!" Jumin cheered as I vexedly brushed off floral bits from my blouse, the DSLR slung around his neck bouncing from his celebratory jig.

"Yeah, it was no problem." I smiled fakely. Then, I took a look around the place—for some reason, a big majority of the workers were hustling, carrying with them props and equipment.

Seems a bit busy...

"Hey, what's going on? Is the model here?" I wondered aloud. Jumin nodded.

"Not just 'model', though. 'Models'." he added, switching on his DSLR and toggling through the settings. I've been told that it's a couple shoot."

𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 ✧: A Chanyeol One Shots AnthologyWhere stories live. Discover now