【 Episode 】18

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"Dang it, I forgot my notebook again..." a young man grumbled, his long legs effectively carrying him down the school's lengthy hallway. As he walked past a window, beams of sunlight caught on his name badge, making the word "Chanyeol" glow as if it was announcing him to the world.

Squinting to prevent his eyes from getting more sun exposure, Chanyeol shook his head, wisps of black hair flying into his face as he picked up his pace. He needed to hurry up, or the bus'll leave.

C'mon, c'mon...!

Suddenly, he spotted a door at the end of the hall.

There it is!

"I just hope that no one took it by accident..." he muttered, grabbing the doorknob. However, right when he was about to open the door, a harmony of, um...weird noises arose from the other side.

"Oh~! N-not there—ahh!"

"Shh! Keep quiet, baby girl~~"

Taking his hand off the doorknob, Chanyeol took a big step back, his face wrinkling in disgust. Letting out a sigh, he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Couldn't they have taken that elsewhere?" he complained, his shoulders slackening. "Now it's gonna look really awkward if I come in."

However, upon checking the time on his watch...

Shoot! The bus is gonna leave in five minutes!

...the young man's demeanor changed completely.

"Forget it—I'm going in!"

With little poise or thought, Chanyeol twisted the doorknob, pushing past the door. The moment he stepped foot into the classroom, the lovemaking couple screamed, hurling profanities at him while scrambling to collect their clothes.

"Sorry." he shrugged in a not very apologetic way, heading for his desk at the back of the room. "But to be fair, you shouldn't be doing that kind of thing at school anyway. Love hotels exist for a reason."

...If getting STDs is what you want.

The couple gave him dirty looks in response, but from out the corner of his eye, Chanyeol could see the girl mouth 'Let's finish up at a love hotel then' to her boyfriend, and then him nodding eagerly in agreement before escorting her out of the room.

Rolling his eyes, the young man knelt at his desk, sticking his hand into its built in cubby.

"C'mon, where are you? I know I left you—"

Suddenly, there was a quick, but distinct rattling sound. From the sounds of it, it seemed to have come from the supply closet. Bringing his attention towards said closet, Chanyeol slowly walked over.

I mean, it could've been the sound of some chairs or other supplies falling over but...

"Is someone in there?" he called out, his eyes narrowing in caution as he put his hand on the closet's handle. "School's over you know, so—"

𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 ✧: A Chanyeol One Shots AnthologyWhere stories live. Discover now