【 Episode 】28

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(This one shot is an adaptation of the manga Sayonara Terminal by Yone Kurachi!)

In this small countryside town, the following is commonplace: agonizingly quiet greenery, and seeing the same people everyday. Unchanging.

And so, I've decided that once I graduate, I'm going to leave this place and move to the city.

I'll take my university exams in Seoul...

"The train bound for Daegu is about to pass through. Please stand clear of the white line."

...And then I'll bid farewell to this boring life.

"Young lady."

I flinched as I felt a hand tap my shoulder, biting back an irked grumble. Snapping my study book closed, I grudgingly turned around. What now...?

However, my mood did a complete 180 as I met the gaze of what had to be the most good looking man I've ever seen around these parts. Seriously!

"Didn't you hear the announcement?" he peered down at me. His voice is deep. "It's dangerous to be this close to the tracks. Please, go behind the white line to save me from a heart attack."

For a moment, I couldn't respond nor react—I was just so mesmerized by this man's visuals.

He had a strong facial structure that gave him a mature air, yet there was a youthful appearance to both his large, almond-shaped eyes and smooth cheeks. A masculine nose with a charming mole dotting its tip perfectly divided his stunning face, while hair as black as ink boyishly framed it.

Who is this man? I've never seen him before...

Suddenly, I was pulled out of my thoughts by said person waving a hand in front of my face.

"Young lady?" he called out to me, frowning.

Feeling an embarrassed blush creeping up on my cheeks, I quickly tore my eyes away.

"I...I'm sorry!" I apologized in a cringe-worthily squeaky voice, springing behind the white line. Just in time too, since the train chugged on by only a few moments after.  

Now we were standing next to each other.

Has he always been here? I wondered, taking a cautious peek at the man. Another thing to note: he's tall. Like, track star tall. Now my neck hurts.

Suddenly, a strong breeze blew by. I closed my eyes to protect them from the brisk winds.

Urgh, so cold! I grimaced.

However, to my surprise, the man chuckled.

"The wind feels good today, doesn't it?"

Huh? Is he being serious?

Slowly, I opened my eyes. He was smiling.

𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 ✧: A Chanyeol One Shots AnthologyWhere stories live. Discover now