【 Episode 】22

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"No no no! Why?!"

The bellicose flows of water that quickly followed was orchestrated by the metallic squealing of the sink's French-styled faucet handles. Amongst the sloshing aqueous sounds of the miniature deluge arose a stilted, spasmodic sob. Droplets of water sprinkled everywhere, some landing on the vanity mirror, where a scowling girl glared vitriolically.

"The Vitamin C drops..." her voice cracked like a broken record, "they were supposed to get rid of my acne scars! They were supposed to!"

The girl's eyes palpitated with barely repressed anger and despair as they harshly scrutinized the crater-like bumps and darkish spots blighting her skin, hot, virulent tears materializing at the ducts.

"Ugly," she croaked, roughly rubbing a hand over the bumpy texture of her skin, "so so ugly." 

Why do I look like this? Why can't I be pretty? I've spent so much money, so much time...!

"Jieun!" a more mature feminine voice suddenly barked out from downstairs. "Do you know what time it is?! You're going to be late for work! Pali!"

Why go when I'm this ugly? I'm probably going to scare all of the customers away.

Despite thinking these depressing thoughts, Jieun grunted in affirmation, marching over to her closet.

But I need the money. The money to try again.

The rustling of tarpaulin filled the changing room with pointless white noise as Jieun firmly secured the olive-colored apron around her midsection, a growl escaping her shortly afterwards.

"Why couldn't they have just put me in the backroom making coffee?" she grumbled.

I mean, me? A cashier? Are they stupid or what?

Suddenly, a series of knocks—similar in matter to that of a secret code—erupted from the door.

Biting back another complaint, Jieun approached.

"Yeah?" she asked once she'd opened the door. Staring back at her was a rather small and short girl, her contacts-enhanced blue eyes all-seeing.

Pretty just like everyone else...but me.

"Jieun, guess what?!" she suddenly erupted into a fireworks display of excitement. "He's here! Here!"

Huh? Who?

Confused, Jieun tilted her head to the side.

Gaping in shock at the ignorant display, the short stack of a girl bobbed using the heels of her feet.

"Whaaat?! Jieun, you don't know who I'm talking about? Seriously?!" she asked boldly. Annoyingly.

Does it look like I know? Jieun rolled her eyes.

Her face taking on a lovestruck look, the girl clasped her hands together and swooned.

𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 ✧: A Chanyeol One Shots AnthologyWhere stories live. Discover now