"Girl Online"

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Hi ya'll!!! It's Daisy here.

Let's get into the motherfucking business, shall we?

Disclaimer: I love and respect both youtubers, Zoe Sugg and Tyler Oakley.

So recently a girl on tumblr posted a review of the first chapter of the "Girl Online", a young adult novel by Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella). (You can see the review on her tumblr page: kaleidanscope). It was pretty truthful but brutally honest and sarcastic in a bad way. After that Tyler Oakley sent her this hate-ish thingy saying that it would be much more productive if the girl spent the time working on her own novel instead of criticizing Zoe's book.

In my opinion it was super childish of Tyler, a 25 year old guy who's idolized by millions, to attack a 16 year old like that. I mean I get it, he was defending his really close friend. But was it really necessary to hate on a poor girl through a social media just like he did? (Hint: nope).

The girl who reviewed the book is actually a writer herself and has written several books. (Plus she's a massive Dan and Phil fan, so yaay!) And I, personally, like her a lot. She seems pretty clever and nice and nerdy in a good way. Anyway the whole point of all this is that when you're a somewhat famous person you really shouldn't attack your fans or viewers or people who like you and support you and buy/watch your shit all the damn time.

And especially this year youtube have gotten so fucking huge. It has gone viral, you know. And because of that youtubers have gotten greatest opportunities to do what they have always wanted to do. For example, Alfie, Hannah, Grace, Zoe with their books, some others with their tours, Bethany with "Dancing with the Stars", Troye with his EP etc. (By the way Troye truly deserves all the good things he's getting). And I feel like youtubers have become a little bit asshole-ish as they got bigger and more huge.

Speaking of Zoe's book, I haven't read it yet, but I heard it was ghostwritten. And some even have proof to that?

Oh well, that's none of my business. Also please note that I am just a 15 year old who has no social life and spends most of her time on tumblr and wattpad and this is just my opinion.

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