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Roanoke Ridge USA 1899

The next morning I woke up and headed to copperhead landing where Sadie was waiting for me with a boat. We were gonna row out to Sisika and get John from the fields and try to escape with our lives. I arrived at copperhead landing where I saw Sadie and Abigail arguing.

Abigail: I can handle myself just fine. I'm coming.

Sadie: Like I said ain't happening. You got a boy.

Abigail: What if it was Ethan that was locked up?

Sadie: That's different.

Abigail: No it's not. I insist.

Sadie: Insist all you like. Ain't happening. Ethan tell her.

Ethan: Abigail you ain't coming that's the end of the matter.

Sadie: See there. You heard him. Now let's go Ethan.

Sadie and I then hopped into the boat together.

Abigail: Well I ain't the crying sort but I'm real grateful.

Sadie: We know you are. We'll bring him back to you.

Abigail: Thank you! Thank you both!

Sadie and I then began to row towards the island.

Ethan: Alright. Here goes nothin'. The place is  surrounded by marshland. Should hopefully give us a bit of cover to move in closer and find a spot to look for John. This time of day the prisoners will probably be working the fields.

Sadie: Then all we gotta do is take out all the guards and row our way outta there. Seems simple enough.

Ethan: Yep. How many times Marston?

We rowed a bit further until we reached the island. We docked the boat and hopped out.

Sadie: Lets head for that watch tower.

We stayed low and made our way over to the watchtower.

Sadie: There's a guard up there.

Ethan: I'll deal with him.

I made my way up to the top of the watchtower and silently took out the guard. Sadie then came up shortly after. I used the guards scope on his rifle to look for John out in the fields.

Ethan: I think I see John.

Sadie: Okay take out the guards and then we'll make our way over there.

I took out both the guards but it didn't look like John was there.

Sadie: Wait. Shit I don't think that was John.

Ethan: Lets go over there and see.

Sadie: Okay come on. I think one of the guards was still moving.

We made our way over to where the guards were and one of them was still alive but there was no sign of John. Sadie walked over to the guard to question him.

Sadie: You. You know John Marston?

Guard: He ain't in the work detail today.

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