Outlaws From The West

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Grizzlies USA 1899

Ethan's Outfit

Ethan:  We never should have robbed that ferry!

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EthanWe never should have robbed that ferry!

Dutch: Now is not the time Ethan we need to find some shelter I sent Arthur to scout out ahead!

The whole job went bad. We robbed the ferry in Blackwater and got a whole hell of a lot of money but as we tried to escape the whole job went to shit when a whole army of Pinkertons showed up. Bullets went everywhere and Dutch killed a girl in a bad way, shot her in the head. She was a pretty girl until her eye was hanging out by a thread of tendon and her brain plastered over a wall. Bad business. Now we were caught in a bad snowstorm in the grizzlies. I was snapped outta my thoughts when my older brother Arthur Morgan rode towards us on his horse.

Dutch: Arthur! Any luck?!

Arthur: I found a place where we can get some shelter! An old mining town, abandoned it ain't far!

Dutch: Come on! Hyah!

We made our way to the mining town and quickly gathered in one of the houses where the women brought in Davey a member of our group who got shot during the ferry job. Jenny, another group member, was killed and Sean & Mac are both missing. Things are a mess but Dutch always has a plan and I don't doubt that he'll get us outta this. Miss Grimshaw quickly instructed the girls to light a fire and our camp cook Pearson to look for food. We laid Davey on a table where he looked lifeless.

Abigail: Davey's dead.

Reverend Swanson: There was nothing more you could have done.

Hosea: What are we gonna do? We need supplies...

Dutch: Well first of all you're gonna stay here and get yourselves warm. Now I sent John and Micah scouting out ahead. Arthur, Ethan, and I are gonna ride out and see if we can find one of em'.

Arthur: In this?

Dutch: Just for a short bit..and I don't see what other choice we have.

Arthur: Alright..Ethan come on.

I nodded and we went out the door. We saw Charles approaching with horses. Dutch instructed him to get inside as we hopped on the horses. Charles protested but Dutch insisted. Charles went inside as we started to ride.

Ethan: This goddamn weather!

Dutch: Been two days or more like this now, it has to blow over soon.

Arthur: I haven't had time to ask but what really happened on that boat?

Dutch: We missed you that's what happened.

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