A Short Walk In A Pretty Town

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Scarlett Meadows USA 1899

John: Ethan come here quick it's Arthur!

I quickly jumped out of my tent and ran towards the entrance of camp where my brother had just came in half dead on his horse. He, Dutch, and Micah had gone to meet with Colm O'Driscoll to discuss a possible truce. Despite mine and Hosea's warnings Dutch went through with it and it ended with Dutch and Micah getting in a shootout and Arthur being taken. I went and kneeled beside Arthur who was in pretty rough shape he had been beaten and shot in the arm. John, Dutch, and I carried him to his tent and I sat with him.

Arthur: E-Ethan?

Ethan: Yeah I'm here brother.

Arthur: Boy am I glad to see you.

Ethan: No doubt.

Arthur: Colm...he was gonna set the law on us.

Ethan: Of course he was. Try and get some rest brother.

Arthur nodded and fell asleep shortly after. I went back to my tent to see Sadie sitting there with Jack and Abigail.

Jack: Uncle Ethan is Uncle Arthur gonna be okay?

Ethan: Yeah I think so he's gotten outta worse scrapes than this one.

Jack and Abigail soon left the tent leaving Sadie and I alone.

Ethan: Colm O' Damn Driscoll...I'm gonna kill him for this.

Sadie: Not before I do.

Ethan: We'll get that bastard soon enough.

Sadie: Yeah and not before time.

A Few Days Later

The past few days have been unusually quiet. Arthur's getting better and is almost back at 100 percent. Before his meeting with the O'Driscolls he burned the Grays tobacco fields with Sean while John, Javier, and I stole some of the Braithwaite's prized horses and only got 750 dollars for em. I got a cup of coffee and sat on one of the logs by the lake and Sadie joined me soon after.

Sadie: You have any plans for today?

Ethan: Yeah in a bit I gotta go into Rhodes to meet Micah, Sean, and Bill to talk to the Grays about doing protection work for em.

Sadie: Protection work? That sounds real fishy.

Ethan: I know. I'm not sure how much I believe it. It feels like a trap but Dutch asked me to go so I'm going.

Sadie: Do you think there's actually any good at the end of this?

Ethan: Probably not but if Dutch and Hosea believe that there is then there's gotta at least be something.

Sadie: Sure. Then what?

Ethan: What do you mean?

Sadie: What's next after this?

Ethan: I'm not sure. Hopefully we can go back out west.

Sadie: I'd like it out there. It's wild and free.

Ethan: Yes. As it should be.

Sadie and I talked for a bit more before I got on my horse and headed for Rhodes. Let's hope this goes well. I rode into town and saw Micah, Bill, and Sean waiting for me.

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