Fleeting Joy

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Bayou USA 1899

Two Weeks Later

It's been a tough couple of weeks ever since the botched bank job back in Saint Denis. The boys still haven't returned from wherever they went and things have pretty much gone to shit. Strauss is a bag of nerves, Karens gone fully into the bottle, and Swanson...well Swansons actually gone and cleaned up his act so I guess it ain't all bad. Sadie and I were eating with Jack when we saw Abigail walk in and right behind her was...Arthur! Arthur had returned looking a bit weathered but overall okay.

Abigail: Hey everybody look who's here!

Arthur: How y'all doin'?

Arthur than walked up to me and gave me hug.

Arthur: It's good to see you brother. Thanks for what you did back in Saint Denis.

Ethan: Don't mention it. I'm just glad to see that you're alive. Where the other boys?

Arthur: They'll be here soon we couldn't all come at the same time.

Sadie then came and handed Arthur a bowl of stew which he scarfed down within seconds. He told us about what happened. He said that they got on the boat but a couple days in the boat got caught in a storm and sank and apparently they all washed ashore on an island called Guarma. Once there they had to rescue Javier from jail and help revolutionaries fight against a dictator. I'm glad I wasn't caught up in that mess. A couple hours went by when Charles and Micah finally arrived as well. Another hour went by before the door opened up again and this time it was Dutch. Everyone began to crowd around him.

Abigail: Dutch they got John!

Dutch: Okay, Okay. How'd you folks find each other? What happened? Can somebody get me a cup of coffee or something?

Pearson then went and quickly got Dutch a cup of coffee.

Strauss: It was Ethan and Mrs. Adler who saved us Dutch. After the robbery in Saint Denis they got us away from the camp before the Pinkertons turned up and brought us to this place.

Dutch: Ethan, Sadie we owe you both. Thank you.

Ethan: Don't mention it.

Tilly: It's been real hard Dutch. We been surviving but only just. What are gonna do?

Dutch: Things have been tough. There ain't no doubt about that. Trust me I am gonna get us outta here. This ain't over.

Micah: Ain't none of you folks interested in our adventures?

Abigail: Guess we're more interested in escaping the hangmen on our tail.

Micah: Cheerful nymph of the prairie wasn't you Abigail?

Abigail: Oh sure my fair heart jumps for joy when I set eyes on you Micah.

Sadie: We buried Lenny and Hosea Dutch. Ethan and I stole their bodies from the law one night and gave them a proper burial.

Bill then suddenly came barging through the door and stormed inside.

Bill: Well here you is. Well I asked everyone I could find and eventually someone knew. Get me a drink or something!

Sadie: Get your own damn drink!

Dutch: In our absence Mrs. Adler and Ethan have been looking after things so sit down.

Milton: This is agent Milton with the Pinkerton detective agency!

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