Eastward Bound

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Grizzlies USA 1899

Miss Grimshaw: Oh for lords sake put that book away and go help!

Miss Grimshaw was yelling at Mary-Beth to put her book down and help us get things packed up. We were almost pretty much done though. We were gonna head out east closer to civilization which was something I didn't really want but I'm trying to stay positive about things. Everyone was getting into their wagons. I was put in one with Arthur and Hosea and Sadie opted to ride with us which I had no problem with. We hopped in the wagon and set off for the heartlands. Arthur was driving and Hosea was riding shotgun so Sadie and I were packed tightly in the wagon together due to it being full of supplies. She didn't seem to mind though and of course I didn't mind at all. She cozied next to me.

Ethan: So what are you going to do now that we're moving? You got family you're gonna stay with?

Sadie: No I don't...actually I was hoping that I could stay with you guys..

Ethan: Of course. You can stay with us for as long as you like.

Sadie: Thank you Ethan...you know besides my Jake...you're the best man I've known.

I blushed very hard at this. I tried to hide it but I didn't do a very good job.

Ethan: Thank you Sadie...that means a lot.

She snuggled closer and she buried her head in my chest. We went on for a bit longer before approaching a stream. As we crossed the stream I felt the wagon becoming a bit unsteady. I didn't think much of it until just after we crossed the wheel fell off. Me and Sadie stumbled a bit but she was alright we got off the wagon to look at the damage.

Bill: What's going on back there?

Arthur: I broke the goddamn wheel!

Hosea: Alright, Let's get it fixed.

Charles: You guys need help?

Hosea: I reckon' we can handle it...Ethan you and me hold the thing up while you try and put the wheel back on, Arthur.

Ethan: You still strong enough to hold up a wagon?

Hosea: Shut up.

Ethan: I'm just sayin'.

Hosea: Well say less.

Hosea and I held up the wagon while Arthur put the wheel back on. Afterwards we hopped back on the wagon and started to get going.

Ethan: Good going Arthur you always were a bit of a blockhead when it comes to things like this.

Arthur: Oh will you shut up...and stop trying to impress the lady.

That shut me up real quick. I looked down at Sadie and she had a bit of a smile and was kinda blushing. This of course caused me to blush big time.

Arthur: So this place we're going...what's it called again?

Hosea: Horseshoe Overlook.

Arthur: Is it a good place to lie low?

Hosea: It'll do for now.

We continued on until we reached our new camp. It was a fine little place. Actually it was very nice I liked it the scenery was beautiful and the place itself was hidden and seemed like a good place to lie low. I helped Sadie off the wagon and I started to unload.

Miss Grimshaw: Ethan we have your tent set up and I hope it's no problem but I set Mrs. Adler up with you.

Ethan: It ain't a problem with me. Is that alright with you Sadie?

Sadie: No it's not a problem at all...I was actually kinda hoping that I'd get bunked with you.

Miss Grimshaw: Well alright then it's just over here.

Miss Grimshaw showed us to our tent. It wasn't much just a simple wagon tent with a couple of sleeping pads but it'll work. After everything was unloaded Dutch gave a speech about finding work and making money for the camp. Hosea informed us of a town just up the tracks by the name of Valentine and that it was a livestock town. After the speech Pearson made some stew which me and Sadie ate together. After eating we went back to our tent.

Ethan: You tired?

Sadie: Yeah a little.

Ethan: Well then we should probably get some rest. I plan on getting up early tomorrow to go hunting.

Sadie: Do you think I could come with you? I know I've been taking up a lot of your time and if it's too much of a bother I understand.

Ethan: It's not a bother at all I enjoy spending time with you Sadie.

Sadie: Me too...you're a great person.

Ethan: Thank you. Now let's get to bed we leave at sunrise.

And with that we laid down on the sleeping bags and went to sleep.

Authors Note

Hey guys here's some pictures of the camp. Hope you guys are enjoying the story as much as I'm enjoying writing it!

 Hope you guys are enjoying the story as much as I'm enjoying writing it!

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